Chapter Ten- Luis

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Agony had managed to sneak out of my tent while I followed Joseph to the meeting to discuss our plan of attack.  

"Send a group of fifteen of our sneakiest to grab the chubby little dumpling from the comfort house!" He rubbed his hands together quickly, then clapped them once. He grinned at me then scowled when I didn't look happy. "Aren't you happy about this?"

"You look tired." I said, to deflect his question away. Madeline's hate would grow. She knew that I had kissed another. Dominic's kidnapping would water that bloom.

Joseph made a heart shape with his hands and batted his lashes, "Are you caring about me? How absolutely disgusting."

He turned away with a chortle and began to make commands to the waiting troops.

I stared after him. I could see the graying at the corners of his mouth, the sallowing of his skin, and I felt satisfied. 

Get sicker, Joseph. Keep striving. When you are at your lowest point. I will kill you.

Madeline had his ring which gave him the right to pull from the power of death, and now all of her damage upon his soul was reappearing. He didn't have much time to finish this, and I didn't have much time to achieve my goal.

If Madeline was to finish that last trial, we both would lose. 

Madeline had part of my soul anchored to her. It was the only reason I still lived. When so many others tethered to her, I felt myself weakening. I had made a promise to Brigid that I would not allow her to become the Principi, but... I was failing. Her mother had hated all of this and wanted Madeline to be free. What she hadn't realized was that I was not free myself, and her promise with me tied Madeline to a villain.

Agony sidled up beside me as my thoughts prickled at me.  I felt her cold touch on my hand and looked her way. "Do you see my triumph in any of this?" I asked her.

She looked rueful. "I don't see anything beyond what I told you. You are destined to die, my Lord.  But, my gifts are not as strong as my sisters."

"You should go to your sisters, then, and ask them for wisdom."  

Her expression fell. "You are being cold to me, My Lord. I hope you are not regretting."

Yes, I was regretting, but I needed her. Having her doubt me was not in my plan. "No, not regretting, but Joseph's eyes are not something you want to attract."

She looked towards Joseph, then back to me. "I hope that is the case, but I believe that is not everything."

Agony took off toward her sisters, giving me a look of hurt before she did. I would have to fix it. I needed her.

The banshees were powerful beings that even Joseph was careful of. Her interest had not been expected, but now that I mulled it over, having a banshee's interest could pull the odds into my favor. I would get past the shame, and continue this sullied path.

I turned my attention from the banshees, and I decided to go with the group that was to capture Dominic. Meeting the enemy on two fronts would make it easier for one of us to gain a victory. I hoped mine would be the victory.

While Joseph set out to attack Fidelis, I took some hags with me and several phoukas and other stealthy souls and headed to my meet and greet with Dominic. 

The hags were very good at teleporting silently. Many teleporters caused a loud displacement of air when they arrived, but the hags did not. Joseph scorned the women because they were so ugly, but I thought their gifts made up for their frightful appearances. They were ancient and few, and filled with wisdom that they doled out for a terrible price. Joseph was foolish to have enlisted them, and also extremely lucky that they agreed. However, I wondered what their price would be. 

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now