Chapter Twenty-Four - Luis

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In place of Madeline was the most exquisitely beautiful tree that the world had never seen. Filigree leaves and lotus blooms dipped on willow like branches, and fruit that looked like jewels clustered among the foliage and flowers. The trunk and branches had a silvery hue, and for a moment, all I could do was stare at the tree. 

The tree glowed with power, and I could still see the links attached to her like brilliant jewelry, but I could not sense her mind or spirit. She was as silent as an earthly tree. 

"Madeline..." My voice broke as I called to her, hoping she'd become flesh and blood once more, instead of this lovely, silent vision. 

The cat was lounging on the chair, looking at me with placid unconcern. The room had transformed slightly to show other pots with other trees in them. I knew these trees as well. Joseph was among them, stretching out his thorny branches as though he was trying to escape the pot - which I imagined he was. 

All the trees here had died which meant the most horrific thing had happened to Madeline.

"You can't!" I roared, my voice rising to a shriek at the end. 

If the cat had eyebrows, I am sure he would have raised them. "I can't?" His tone was even, almost amused.

I paused, realizing who I was talking to, then tried again in a more polite tone. "Please."

His ear flickered. "None of you learned. Eighteen Trees, and even you could not learn to love one another. Instead, you all decided to become gods and oppress others. You created wars, you made plagues, you rained misery and terror upon each and every creature you came across.

"You couldn't even obey a simple order to stay on your side of the between. I gave the Trees a chance and brought Madeline back to your side, but what happened?"

"Forgive us, please."

The cat rose to sit on his haunches. "What would you give in return? What do you have?"

I had no idea what to say to that. I had nothing, not any longer. My whole life had been dedicated to gaining power for the dark fae, and getting my revenge on Joseph and the Trees. I had hurt Madeline and broke her trust by lying to her. The only thing I could think of was...

"I will exchange my life for hers."

The cat laughed. "You cannot. She gave her life for yours. I cannot undo what she'd sacrificed for. Still so prideful, Luis Rowantree."

"I'm still standing here, so there must be something I can give to you."

The cat lifted one paw in the air then dropped it - a feline shrug. The creator was having some fun using this animal as his burning bush.

I swallowed. "All I have to my name, besides my life, is my pride. It seems Madeline absorbed what was left of my heartwood when she was made a tree, so I don't have that to offer."

"It was your giving your heartwood away to the bramble that caused much of the problems we have now." The cat stayed silent for some time, and I fidgeted unsure what else to say. If he ordered me out, I'd have no choice but to leave. Finally, however, he said, "Yes, I will take your pride away. You will not be able to feel any glory for yourself. You will not feel selfish, entitled, or jealous. These are all parts of pride. You will live quietly. I will take your pride from you as a sacrifice to leave here."

All my hope came crashing down. "What?"

"I was not planning on letting you leave, Luis. You would stay here, and I would collect all the Trees. I cannot trust any of you to keep your promises."

I tried to reason another way. "Madeline won the trial! She deserves to be given a chance to follow through on that!"

He shook his head. "Yes, but how can I trust that any of you to give her back to you? Madeline is too valuable to waste on corrupt beings."

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now