Chapter Twenty-two - Madeline

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When we returned to the palace I found my father waiting for me with his coven. A small group of witches stood near one of the windows, all staring down at something, while the rest gathered in a ring around him. I didn't know if they were going to welcome us or attack.

"Father...? What is this?"

Agony clutched the tiny, rabbit form of Luis and hunched over him like a protective mother. The Straif had dealings with Joseph, but I learned that it was only to find more information about the vampires. 

She looked at my father with questions on her eyes. Father just gave her a sad smile before turning back to me. 

"Luke... you can tell them...."

Luke came out from a hallway, and I sagged with relief. He was okay. Not a scratch! 

He smiled and held up the bracelet on his wrist. It had worked after all. His injuries were not grave!

Luke hesitated, looking as though he was fighting against saying the next words. "You remember that ghost you saw? The young human girl?"

"Yes?" My heart sank into my stomach. We didn't have time to discuss Estena right then, although I was definitely interested. "Do you know how she died?"

"You may want to sit down. It's why the Straif returned with the witches."

"I'd love to, but we really don't have time. Luis is barely hanging on."

He nodded. His eyes twitched, but he continued to speak, looking as though it was physically painful. "I have to tell you. Once Simon told your father about your dealings with the Holly, he rushed right over here with the Coven."

I sagged, then plopped myself on the floor. I was too tired, too worried, and too done with it all to listen to this, but the Holly had done such an awful thing. I had to listen.

The Ivy had brought Chuillen with us and the Straif acknowledged the Tree with a vicious grin. Chuillen, in the face of a Tree more insane than he was, seemed quite cowed. I glanced at the Ivy, then and Chuillen and sighed. Then I looked at Agony. "How is Luis? Are we okay still?"

She looked worried, but nodded. "Your Trees are helping to sustain him... but... we must hurry."

I noticed a sheen of sweat on Ciaran and Ivy's brows and felt so much gratitude to them. Then I turned back to Luke. "Okay, make it fast."

Straif told me that Estena was a servant to the Holly.  He was as insane then as now, and he had imagined Estena could become the new Queen because she was a child with a spark of old magic in her. She was bright and lovely, and found more joy being in the Spring Lands than in the Winter bleakness. So, she ran away."

I glared at Holly, then with a cold voice I said, "Continue."

Luke continued, "She'd forgotten that Holly placed a murderous curse on all of his slaves. Of course she would, being a child."  He winced, unable to find the right word to say. 

"What did the curse do?"

 "The curse forced her to do horrible things. She murdered people. She killed your grandmother."

His face hardened. "She bespelled your grandfather."

I was glad I was sitting down. "My grandmother! But how could a small child kill my grandmother? And my grandfather?"

Luke sat down next to me on the floor. "Trust. Estena was beloved by all. She had an old spark from the slight fae blood within her. All she had to do was sit in your grandmother's lap. Someone gave her the poisoned blade to kill your grandmother."

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now