Chapter Twenty-One - Madeline

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When the Holly let go of Joseph, my cool escaped along with the man. Joseph didn't run, as I thought he would, but at the moment I was too angry at the Holly to study that. 

"What are you doing?!" I shouted at Chuillen the Holly as he stood there, snickering. He didn't answer me, but I could see that his face was filled with a crazy delight. 

Joseph stepped away from Chuillen and squared off against me. He glanced at Luis still being held in Agony's arms and sneered. "You have no right to speak to either of us!" His tone was haughty and arrogant, as though it were something I should be ashamed of. 

I clenched and unclenched my fists.

"Don't bother addressing him, my lady." Ivy said. "I can take care of both of them."

 It wasn't a question. His eyes were on the man who had caused such an enormous rift between the Trees.

I folded my arms. "As if I couldn't. He doesn't frighten me." I felt anger build up in me again. "Not anymore."

My eyes flickered over to Luis. Agony who was kneeling beside him, cradled him in a defensive posture. All of my rage deflated. I didn't have time to fight Joseph and Chuillen when Luis was so close to death, so I turned towards Ivy. 

"Be careful. Joseph is crafty." He nodded and gave my hand a gentle squeeze before facing the criminals. I closed my eyes briefly and then put on the daisy ring. I would have to face Joseph soon, but right now, I had to get to the altar and see if I could save my friend. 

Joseph glared at me, eyes glowing like molten silver, as I prepared to teleport. "So you're not going to talk to me?" He spat at me. He then held up a bottle, "Even though I have your mother inside here?" 

The bottle had an eery glow. In the center of the vial sat a tiny purple butterfly.I didn't want to think about what was happening here. If I did, I would lose my courage. 

"There won't be a torture agonizing enough for you. I'll make sure of it," I said to both Chuillen and Joseph.

Chuillen laughed. "That's exactly where you're wrong, Madeline."

His grin dimmed when he saw that I had no reaction to his jeering. I was solely focused on Joseph. Annoyed, he tried again. "Luis isn't going to live," he said this with such conviction. "You'll need a new husband to fulfill the trials. Oh, I tried to make you see at that farce of a court. I hate Joseph as much as you do, but what I really hate is losing to Duir. Let me take my place at your side, and you can have Joseph's head right now."

Joseph scoffed at the man's hubris.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mister Holly," I looked at him through narrowed eyes, ignoring all of his showboating. "I won't lose. I can't."

Ivy growled at Chuillen, his whiplike hair beginning to thrash about "She is the Light of the Trees, Holly. You broke her heart once in the past. Do not interfere."

Chuillen laughed in that shrill, ear-splitting pitch as he mocked his brother, "Oh, look, here's Mr. Kettle, pretending he doesn't have sins of his own."

Ivy stalked forward and Chuillen raised his sword, its tip pointed directly at his brother's face. Ivy's skin began to ripple until his entire form became transparent. I blinked several times trying to take in what I just witnessed, but the image wouldn't change. Holly spun about this way and that, trying to see where Ivy had gone

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Holly called to his brother. "Let's play hide and seek, hmm? Come on, don't keep your little brother waiting." 

My eyes widened as a pair of hands emerged from one of the shadows, holding a sword. It slashed down at Holly's body. 

The blade caught on Holly's face and sliced into it. Honey colored sap dripped down from the cut on his cheek. As the sap dripped onto the ground, it formed into holly sprigs.

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now