Epilogue 2 -The Coronation

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The city of Lars was glowing with vibrant colors as we entered the repaired gates. The signs of battle were nowhere to be seen.  The rubble from the buildings was no longer scattered around the street like ruins.

It was now a beautiful day for everyone in Lars because it was the day of our coronation. And it was the day that everything would change. I looked at my court, no, my family, who were all smiling happily. Our happiness came from the fact that we had been together throughout this war, and we came out whole.  They still didn't know what to expect when we were crowned. I had kept it a secret.

The temple was resplendent.   The pillars and arches were glistening and bright.  Even the stained glass windows sparkled beautifully under the morning sun.  I was wearing a gown that Xavian had surprised me with. He had spent an entire day sewing it, and I had been floored to receive it. I hadn't realized he had such a gift, and I loved him even more.

The gown  was made of fine silk embroidered with blue flowers, which were the symbol of Lars. It clung to my slender form and fell  down to my feet in delicate layers of  lace and tulle.   When I moved, it felt like flowing water. My many husbands were mesmerized.

Xavian stood near me, waiting for his cue to start walking down the main aisle of the temple. I held his hand tightly and squeezed it reassuringly as I started to walk first.

Luke followed after me, then Luis, Dominic, Adrian, Erik, Ciaran,  and Venetto, followed by Xavian, Rielte, Brin, Tylas, Noc and Dimini. Jeanne and Beth were last, dressed in matching white gowns with silver veils.

In front, lying on a gleaming altar was the daggers. One for each of my husbands, concubines, and banmuinen. On either side of the altar were small  candles lit with a golden flame.

"The sword..." Luke whispered, confused. "Where is it?"

"There." I pointed at the daggers.

"How did that happen?"

I glanced at him, then over at Luis with a smile.

"You'll see."

The priestess chimed a silver bell, and the coronation began. A huge crowd had gathered to witness our ascension. People had come from every land to congratulate and honor us. The priestesses and nobles bowed to us, giving acknowledgment, if somewhat reluctantly.  Everyone seemed genuinely happy for me.

I couldn't stop smiling or even take a breath as we gathered in front of the altar. Once we were there, I pulled Jeanne and Beth forward along with Brin and Rielte. I put Jeanne's hand in Brin's and Rielte's hand in Beth's.

"I acknowledge these couples of my court. Their love supports my own for them."

  The crowd cheered and gave their approval. "These couples stand united for all of Lars. We are all joined as one, and they are joined in a triple bond with us all , just as Lars will always be united to all of us."

There was more cheering as the couples said their vows to each other.  Then I took the dagger that belonged to each of them.

"I declare you all wed," I told them with a wide smile.  "And as your union gives birth to your children, so shall their love give birth to a new Aleria as well."

Then I handed each of my spouses and consort a dagger and instructed them to hold it up.

"The Creator allowed the sword to shatter, creating these daggers. They signify a new realm of peace, union, and democracy.  I choose all these men and women as my own. None are greater than each other. And through them, the weak shall be strengthened. Tyranny will cease. That is my vow to all."

The cheers rose again, and the crowd started singing, "Lars is Forever."  This time, I heard more enthusiasm than melancholy.

As everyone celebrated, I watched over the people. It was hard not to admire those who smiled brightly at me. For I saw the beauty of a life lived peacefully without conflict. No longer was Lars ruled by the tyrannical ruler, Duir. No,  the Trees agreed to support us as benevolent gods and goddesses.

The kingdom flourished under our rule. And Aleria was forever bonded to us all.

For a long while, I sat alone looking at the sky. It was the beginning of summer, and the days were warm.

I wanted to run off and explore the surrounding lands as fast as my legs could carry me.  I craved the freedom and joyous excitement that only comes after what felt like a lifetime of fighting, even if it was only a few weeks.

I thought of how much I had sacrificed for this country. The lives of my closest friends. The deaths of countless enemies. The pain and grief, the loss and loss, and loss.  But here, now I was happy. Xavian and Dominic lay on the grass with me as we recounted our fondest memories of the coronation.

"Well," Xavian began in a teasing tone, "I rather enjoyed the three nights after. You were beautiful."
Dominic laughed, "Yes, Xav, she was very beautiful all those  nights. It's just as beautiful as ever."

I blushed.  I had thought the same thing. "I remember the first night after the coronation. After we left the banquet, it was the middle of the night, and we were wandering the streets of Lars.

Jeanne and Beth stayed behind with Brin and Rielte, but the rest of us... I trailed off the thought.

We had no idea how tired we were, how worn out we were from all those battles. But I remembered how nice it was having a picnic. We laid down by a riverbank, and we drank hot cider and talked about whatever came to mind. We had a great time laughing, making jokes.

There had been one person who wasn't present - one who had never shown up.  But she had helped create something real and wonderful.


"Oh, Elsie," I sighed sadly. I was glad she had found her place.  She was the most amazing girl and one of a kind. She had taught me so much about love and sacrifice.  "She decided to stay away to keep her commitment to the temple strong."

But there was nothing to do about it now.  Elsie had found her place in her world. She was finally content. And as long as she was happy...

"She is so kind," I continued. "I miss her already."

I didn't realize my eyes were wet until I felt a tear slip from the corner. I tried to quickly wipe it away, but I missed, and a tear streaked down my cheek.

Xavian caught my wrist before I could try to wipe it away again.  Before I could say anything about it, he lifted up my hand and kissed the tear away.
He gently kissed my palm. He closed his eyes as he placed soft kisses across the inside of my fingers. He let go of my hand and turned his head towards me.

I smiled as peace filled me.  It was good to have him by my side and to love him dearly. He really meant everything to me. He was part of my strength; my light. I had fallen in love with his spirit, his soul, his heart that had not grown cold despite all the pain he'd endured.  I was grateful for him, and I would always be grateful for him. He was my home, and nothing would change that.

The wedding feast was lavish and delicious, but the quiet midnight picnic was better.  We feasted on love. I ate my fill with the taste of their lips lingering on mine. I savored my husbands' touch. Their tenderness, their warmth, their  love, their kindness, and above all, their heart. 
I had never known such happiness.
And as I gazed upon the moonlit forest, surrounded by my family and friends, I understood the feeling in my heart - what had made me so afraid and unhappy, when I thought I lost to Joseph. I had my peace here, and when more children came, I knew we would continue to share our love, sharing all we had to offer.  I looked down and saw my hands intertwined with Luke's and Dom's. With a broad smile, I held on tight as I realized that they were holding onto me as tightly as I held on to them.

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