𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙼𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛.. (𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 1)

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(This is a fluff Isabela x fem reader story that starts from the day after the other story, so don't read this until you've read the other one )

It was the day after the fireworks, you were cuddled up against Isabela asleep as she looked at you smiling playing with your hair. "1 more day my dear, I can't wait to see how you react.." She says in a hushed voice and kisses the top of your head. She loved the way you looked when you were asleep. You looked so peaceful and just pure adorable. You started to wake up a little and stretch. "Good morning mi amor." She says kind of quiet but speaking fully making her sound kind of romantic. "Good morning..~" you say in your sleepy voice. God did she love your morning voice. That was one of the most cutest things about you that she couldn't get enough of. Well.. she couldn't get enough of you ever. She starts covering your face with a bunch of kisses. You giggle, even though she was kissing your face, you could feel the love in those kisses, the care. It made you feel safe. "Someone is very lovey this morning." You say with a giggle as she plants one last kiss on the top of your nose before looking at you, making sure she makes eye contact. "That's just because I love you so much and I want to make sure you know that cariño." She says with a smile. (Cariño means sweetheart) You smile back. "I will always know you love me amor." You say and sit up fixing your bra strap as you were only wearing a bra and shorts, she was wearing a tank top and panties. You guys have gotten comfortable with doing this so it never really bothered you guys much. Isabela starts to move behind you, making it where you are sitting between her legs. She lays her head on your shoulder and plays kisses on your neck close to your jawline. You make a satisfied hum and lay your head with a smile. So she continues with a smile. "That feels good.. god I love you mi amor.." you say with a breathless laugh. She stops hearing foot steps. She quickly covers up her legs and you quickly put on a shirt laying on the ground by the bed. It wasn't yours, it was hers but it would make do for the moment. Then you both hear a knock on the door.

   "Come in!" Isabela shouts and Julieta walks in with a soft smile. "Breakfast is ready girls!" She says in a cheerful but obviously sleepy tone. "Thanks mamá!" Isabela says with a smile. You also thank her she leaves closing the door behind her. "By the way that's my shirt mi amor~" she says in a teasing tone at you smiling. You look back at her. "Mine now." You say teasing her back. She laughs and pulls you onto her lap. You laugh with her and rest your arms on her shoulders, resting your forehead against hers as the sun shines onto the both of you through the window. You guys make loving eye contact for a while before she gets close to your lips and kisses you, you kiss her back lovingly. She smiles into the kiss, getting more and more excited for what she was planning to do tomorrow. Everyone in the family knew. So she didn't have to worry about that. She wraps her arms around your waist, breaking the kiss. She starts doing what she was doing earlier, except kissing you on your shoulders instead.  You giggle playing with her hair. "Mi amor... breakfast is ready, we really should make our way down there.." you say with a smile. "Fineeee.." she says with a giggle and kisses your shoulder one more time before letting you up.

   You get off of her lap, and wait for her to put on shorts. Once she got shorts on, you both quickly go downstairs as you were already late and everyone was eating. "What took you two so long?" Abuela asks you two as you sit down across from each other. "Sorry Abuela, we were both really sleepy this morning." You say and smile at her. She nods with a knowing small grin before eating her food. You see that a few of the Madrigals were smirking, including Isabela, about what you said. You blush a little as you continue to eat your breakfast. After you finished cleaning and helped with dishes, you and Isabela both made your ways upstairs.
     You begin to change while Isabela sits on the bed, watching you. You knew she was watching but every time you were to bring it up, she would deny it, so you gave up trying to get her to admit into it. You put on a red skirt with white lining at the bottom. As you were about to put on your shirt, you feel vines wrap around your waist. "What-" you start to say but then all of a sudden, they pull you towards Isabela. "Hey mi amor, wanna go to the park tomorrow?" She asks you with a smile. "There is a new flower garden and it has pretty trees, I know how you are when it comes to that stuff so I'd figure we would go and take you shopping for clothes today for tomorrow..?" She asks and holds onto your right hand, crossing her legs, looking as fancy as possible. You laugh. "That's sounds fun, I'd love too! But IM paying." You say knowing how she is. "Ugh fine.. we will see." She says. She always hated when you payed for stuff. She kisses your hand before letting you go, letting you finish getting ready.
    You walk back over to where you originally were, and look into the mirror. You put on a off the shoulders white shirt, looking as your shoulders shine from the sunlight. You put on your shoes and do your hair. Once you got your hair done, you put on lipgloss and head over to wear Isabela was sitting. She already was dressed, you didn't realize she got up. She looks up at you and smiles. "Beautiful mi amor~" She says in a romantic tone, making you blush. "Thanks cariño.." you say slightly muffled because you were covering your face. She gets up and moves your hand, kissing your lips. "You ready?" She asks. "Mhm!" You say and head downstairs. You both wave everyone goodbye and go to the shop that wasn't too far from the Casita. It was your favorite shop in the whole village.

    After about an hour passes, you guys were finally finished shopping for the day. It was pretty late so you both head back to Casita talking and laughing carrying bags. "Don't forget, in two more days I have to head back to my house, hope you have the next days full of plans." You say and laugh. She smiles. "Trust me, it's definitely full. Especially tomorrow." She says and holds your hand, carrying the back in the other. "Oh because of the park?" You ask. "Yeah.. mostly.." she says starting to think about it. She quickly pushes it away as you guys make it back. Casita opens the door for you and you both head upstairs to Isabela's room, sitting your bags off to the side as Isabela puts her's away.
    You take off your shirt and pants and lay in bed, staying in your undergarments. After Isabela gets done putting her stuff away, she does the say and lays down beside you. After about 30 minutes, you fall asleep to Isabela playing with your hair. "I hope you agree.. I can't wait to be with you forever mi amor... I love you." She says and kisses your lips and falls asleep smiling, excited for the big day.

(That's all for part 1! Sorry for the extra long part haha)

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