𝖬𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝖥𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 (𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 2)

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off at about 9:00 am. You stretch and yawn before getting out of bed rubbing one of your eyes. You stood there for a couple of seconds before realizing you have to hang out with Bruno today. You quickly start moving around the room getting ready which woke you up completely. You put on ripped jeans and a forest green crop top. But it didn't show your stomach too much. After putting on shoes and fixing up your hair you quickly go to find Bruno. As you were walking to the spot where you guys meet you suddenly feel someone tap your shoulder. You quickly turn around and see him. Your date. Bruno Madrigal. He had on his poncho with black jeans. You smile at him and he awkwardly smiles back.

"Hola Bruno!" You say to him as he starts to blush out of nervousness. "Hola Y/n.. you ready to go..?" He asks you and you notice that he was picking at his nails. This showed you that he was in fact, very nervous. So you quickly grab a hold of his hand. His eyes widens before looking towards you. You smile at him softly making him smile a little before looking away blushing. You guys continue walking until you get to a café.

   "Well this is it.." he says quietly. "I love it! I bet it will be delicious!!" You exclaim to him with a bright smile on your face. For some reason, your smile always made Bruno smile. He couldn't understand why until when he got home that night when you two ran into each other. Apparently he has a "crush" on you. He had never liked anyone the way he liked you. There was something different about you. Maybe it was your smile? Maybe it was your hair? Personality? How about eyes? No way. It had to be just all of it. He liked you for you.

"Brunoooo!" You say trying to break his train of thought. He quickly blinks a couple of times before looking at you with a nervous smile. "Haha.. sorry! Let's go eat now!" He says trying to seem more confident. You both walk in and order your food before sitting down at a table. "So.. do you have any pets?" He asks you trying to start up a conversation so it wouldn't be as awkward as it already is. "Yes I do! It's a p/t (pet type) named p/n!" (Pet Name) you say to him. "How about you? Any pets?" You ask him, practically asking the same thing he did. "Actually yes.. I have a couple of rats!" He says with a smile, confident about talking about his rats. His rats always made him feel better and he loved them so very much. "Awww how cute!!" You say with a small giggle.

Finally your food comes, so you both start eating your food and drinking your drinks. He looks over at you and makes eye contact with your non-binary pin. He smiles a little and continues eating his food. He knew they had a crush on him, he just couldn't figure out how to ask. He probably would at some point. Finally about about an hour of side conversations and eating. You both were ready to go. So he paid for the food, even though you told him you could, and you both left.

"Do you wanna go check at some of the shops they have here in town?" He asks you. You noticed that he has been asking you a lot of things and just talking to you more in general. This made you happy that he was finally comfortable with talking to you. Which was one of the reasons you liked him. You nod your head with a smile, showing that it's a yes. He grabs a hold of your hand and you both head towards the shops.

    You both went on a shopping spree. Bruno mostly bought cute little outfits, treats, and toys for his rats. You bought clothes and also bought things for your p/t too. That's one thing you two mostly bonded with. That was owning pets and always getting them things. That's was maybe on of the reasons Bruno was getting more comfortable around you.

After many many hours of shopping, you and him start walking back towards your house. "I had fun tonight." You say to him with a smile. He smiles back but you could tell that he looked kind of anxious about something. But what was it? "I had fun too.. but I would like to ask you something..." he starts off saying. You look at him before smiling and nodding, practically telling him to continue on. The sun was setting so it made the sky a orangish red. It was very pretty. The wind was blowing throw your hair as you both stopped in front of your house. Staring into each other's eyes. "Well I wanted to ask.. would you like to date..?" He asks scratching the back of his head.

It seems like your eyes brighten as you smile at him, practically tackling him into a hug. He laughs a little and hugs you back. "Of course Bruno, I would love to date you." You say to him, making him calm down and smile, starting to noticeably feel much better. "Cool! Hang out again tomorrow..?" He asks running his fingers through his hair as you break the hug. "Definitely!" You say smiling once again, making him smile. "Ok, see you then y/n!" He says and walks off. You went inside and changed before laying down. You couldn't believe it. You were finally dating him! The quietest Madrigal of them all. Bruno Madrigal.

That's the end!!! It's slightly shorter but I know you guys have been waiting a while for this chapter so thank you very much for your patience and support! Let me know who you want me to do next!!! :)

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