Chapter 90: Empty Promises

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Reminder that if you have not taken the time to read the disclaimer from the last chapter, to please do so ❤️ (ask and submissions are open!!)

General trigger warnings for this story: Language, smut, mentions of rape, abuse, drug use/overdose, violence/death.

Sydney sat back against her bike smoking a cigarette when Rosen pulled onto the lot in his silver Mercedes, Jax lingering not too far behind him. She took one final drag, inhaling as deep as she could before stamping out the butt and making her way over along with everybody else - she knew that no matter what the reason was behind his unexpected trip, it wasn't going to be good.

"What's going on?" Jax scowled as he approached the spontaneous gathering where heads were hung and jaws were clenched.

"I wanted to give you this news in person..." The suited man began, his eyes lingering on Sydney for a second too long - blinking rapidly as he tried to refocus himself.

"Well that don't sound good..." Clay sighed.

"It's not." He confirmed. "The US Attorney is releasing the details on the witness at 5:00 P.M. - 5:01, ATF is presenting their case against Opie Winston for Hefner's murder. They'll bring him in for a lineup, but from what the prosecution has shared, he's probably not going back home..."

"Jesus christ..." Jax sighed.

"So what do we know, Rosen?" Tig was desperate for more shit-stirring information that would keep the attention off of him - off of what he'd done.

"There's an eyewitness - probably a resident." Rosen nodded. "They offered wit-pro, which means he's in lockdown..."

"Opie buries his wife tomorrow..."

"I'll drag my feet the best that I can - see that they don't bring him in too early..." He nodded, feeling his own guilt over the legal advice that he had provided - the legal advice that he knew had at least something to do with the fact that they were having this conversation right now. "I'm sorry..." But he didn't get paid to be sorry, he got paid to do his job. "I'll have my office call you about my retainer?" He raised a brow.

Clay scoffed. Lawyers. "Sure. Thanks." He brushed past the greedy man.

Sydney perked up when the opportunity for something that she could help with finally arose, desperate to do some good for the club when they so badly needed it - and to reestablish her loyalty. She hung back as everybody dispersed - temporarily glad for the tension between her and Tig, as it gave her the chance to get the lawman alone. She smirked as she propped her elbow up against the hood of his car, dropping her hip and letting her eyes slide over him.

"So, what does it take for a guy like you to consider doing a little charity work?"

Rosen chuckled, looking down at his freshly polished shoes as a bashful smile came to his face. "Well, I've given out all the discounts that the firm allows per annum." He squinted as he looked back up at her.

"Eager man." She surmised with a lewd smile. "Looks like somebody's gunning for a promotion..." She nudged him with her boot.

"Eh, you could say that..." He shrugged.

"You know what looks even better come performance review time?" She leaned in as if she was telling him a secret.

"What?" His brow twitched with intrigue as he humored her with a smile of amusement.

"That big... Impressive..." She watched as the suspense built behind his eyes - unable to deny the familiar spark of excitement that always came with getting what she wanted from a man who had made it his life's mission not to let her have it. "Pro Bono case..." She finished with a smirk.

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