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The next day went through the same routine. And we met up to eat at the food court again and had to run away from fans once again. We sat down to eat and my phone rang. My eyes were like saucers when I saw who it was. It was my mom. I told Andy I'd be back, I went outside and answered it. Stupid as I was, nothing had changed. She threatened to call the police on me to come and find me. I'm old enough to be on my own, doesn't she get that? I'm not a little kid anymore. My eyes started to water as she began to call me names and continue to yell at me. God why did I answer the phone.

"You aren't my family! You hate me and tear me down. I know I'm worthless and stupid and not talented okay!? You're right! Why do you always have to tear me down? I can't handle it mom! I'm actually living my dreams and doing what makes me happy and here you are. I'm old enough to be on my own and live for myself." Tears rolled down my face. She laughed.

"You're so worthless. You don't deserve to be happy, you deserve to be here. You aren't worth anything." She sneered into the phone. I fell on my knees as I heard these words that my own mother was saying.

"I fucking hate you! Fuck you! I don't even deserve to call you my mother!" I screamed and hung up. I ran to my bus, I just needed to be alone. No one was in the bus. I smashed my phone bit to bit to let my anger out. I stepped on it, I threw it against the wall, I punched it. I was done. I curled into a ball and leaned against the window looking out with tears rolling down my face. It was beginning to get dark outside. The words my mother said still ran through my head. And I began to cry again.

"Don't cry you coward. Don't fucking cry. Don't cry!" I told myself. I began wailing and punching my bunk. I looked at myself in the mirror and there was mascara running down my face. I looked disgusting. God why was I so stupid to answer the phone. Why am I so stupid? Why am I stupid? Why am I so stupid! I heard someone open the door.

"Juliet? Are you here?" It was Andy. Shit. I totally forgot that i left him. He's probably mad and hates me too.

"Andy?" I peeked around the corner and sniffled. He saw me hiding and immediately came to me.

"Hey. What's wrong?" He hugged me. His comfort just made me break down.

"My m-mom called me." I said through tears. He rubbed my back.

"She called me worthless and just went on-and on-and on." I started crying harder. I pulled away.

"I'm sorry I left you. I was just so angry and I didn't want you to see me like this. I needed to be alone and I didn't want you to worry or feel bad or-" he kissed me.

Andy kissed me.

I had to blink a couple times to realize that I wasn't dreaming or anything. He kissed me then hugged me.

"It's okay. It's okay. I understand. Juliet, you aren't worthless or any of that bullshit she says okay? She doesn't have anything left in her life to do but be bitter and miserable and so she takes it out on you. You are worth life. You aren't worthless. I care about you. Okay?" He looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back at him. Our noses touched each other's and he wiped away my tears with his thumb. He grabbed my hands and I weakly smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Dragonfly?" He breathed on me. I almost melted.

"Of-course." I smiled.

We kissed. And I hugged him. He immediately made me feel better. When here I was a complete mess. He took my hands and kissed them. I blushed.

"Thank you for making me feel better, White Rabbit." I smiled as I ended the sentence. He blushed.

"Of course." He kissed my forehead.

"I'm going to take you out to eat." He smiled as he held my hands by his sides. I smiled at his kind gesture.

"I'd like that." I said.

He smiled and we walked off the bus. We walked around the small city looking for a good place to eat. We found a small Chinese place and decided to eat there. The menu looked good but it was expensive and I felt bad. I got won-tons and some Mongolian beef with broccoli. My favorite. And Andy got a platter with veggies, noddles, chicken, and fried rice. We ate and talked.

"So, how'd tour been to you so far?" He smiled taking a spoonful of his rice.

"It's been pretty good and really fun, I love the energy I get and the passion when I'm up there. It's indescribable, but that's what I love about it." I ate a piece of broccoli.

"I know what you mean." He smiled.

We finished our food and I begged to pay for the food but Andy wouldn't let me. We walked out hand in hand and made our way back to the buses. Just being in his company was indescribable. Just seeing him made me happy and put a smile on my face. Just thinking about him and his signature blue eyes, and his long black hair.

He walked me back to my bus and I thanked him for everything. He leaned against the bus and wrapped his arms around my small waist.

"Of course." He smiled.

He pulled me closer to him and gave me a long passionate kiss. Then he broke away and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled.

"Goodnight my love." I said as he walked away, our hands still intertwined.

"Goodnight." He broke away and walked back to his bus. I smiled and went inside.

Black Ink Revenge; Andy and Juliet Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now