If You Mean Alot to Me

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~ thank you so much for 1.23 K reads omfg. Here's another update ^.^ I'm actually going to do something with my friend tomorrow for once. I'm going to the lake down the street from me and we're going to get little Ceasers (pizza) I'm so happy I love her to death and I'm actually going to be out of the house XD but it's going to be hot ): ~


I snuck out of Andy's arms in my bunk and took a shower. I changed into my leather leggings and a white crop top with my leather combat boots as well. I did my makeup in the bathroom. The door opened and there was Andy standing shirtless. I smiled as he smirked at me.

"Morning gorgeous." He snuck his arms around my waist and kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We had the day off today in Sacramento and I grabbed my notebook and decided to draw while Andy was in my shower. I drew a dream catcher with feathers all around it and included a lot of detail into the feathers. Andy got out and was still shirtless. He came over to me sitting on the couch where I was drawing. He kissed my head.

"What are you doing babe?" He smiled down at the paper.

"Just drawing. You like it?" I asked him smiling up at him.

"It's gorgeous. You're really good Juliet." He sat down next to me and took the pen out of my hand.

He started shading and it looked so pretty. I took the pen away from him and he put his hand on my knee. I grabbed his hand and wrote the words "Dragonfly" not letting him see what I was doing. I uncovered it and he pulled his hand away looking at it.

"I love it Dragonfly. Your turn." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

I had to look away but I knew he was going to write "White Rabbit" anyway. He was done and I looked at the words written across my hand. I loved his hand writing and the way he made it look. I turned to him and kissed his cheek.

"Ya know... I want to show you how much you mean to me. Let's get this tattooed." He smiled at me then looked down at his hand. My eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" I asked him nervously.

"Of course. Come on let's go." He got up and grabbed his leather jacket.

I smiled and blushed as he grabbed my hand. I texted the guys telling them we'd be out and about. I couldn't believe Andy was doing this. No guy has ever gotten a tattoo dedicated to me or anything. This was crazy. And it was a big step in our relationship as well. I smiling like crazy on the way to the nearest tattoo shop. We walked in and as I watched Andy getting his done I was looking down at the words he wrote on my hand. I decided I'd get mine done too. It would show how much we mean to each other and just remind each other of the love we have. Andy had gotten his done very quickly and showed me. I kissed him and then it was my turn. It didn't hurt that much and only took like 10 minutes. Once he was done Andy took a picture of my hand once it was done. I grabbed him and kissed him and thanked the tattoo artist. For both of us it was $40. We walked out hand in hand and went to the nearest restaurant. We hadn't gone out on a normal date in a while so it was nice. It wasn't a fancy restaurant but it was nice. I didn't really care, I'm not high maintenance. I was just happy we had been able to go out together alone. We went into Olive Garden and gotten waited to a table and sat down in the booth. I got Dr. Pepper and Andy got a Coke. The breadsticks came and honestly that's all I was looking forward to. Andy and I both got spaghetti and just talked and talked.

"I think it's so amazing. There's like half a month left of Warped Tour and I feel as if I've known you for forever. If I hadn't run away I wouldn't be this super happy Juliet sitting here right now. Everything just feels right. If I didn't run away... I wouldn't have met you Andy. And I'm so crazy about you. I love you Andy. Thank you for everything baby." You sat down next to him and kissed him. He put his arm around you and kissed your forehead.

"Juliet you are so amazing. You're gorgeous, you're just perfect. I love the way your voice is because you're so unique and that's what makes you you. I've loved your music even before we started dating. I will always support you and be here for you I promise. Juliet, I'm head over heels in love with you.." He said looking down into my brown eyes.

I smiled so wide as I looked up into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed me. It was a long and sweet kiss. Our hands were on the table and I put mine over his and took a picture. This was perfect. I don't know how I got so lucky. 💜

Black Ink Revenge; Andy and Juliet Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now