is she ok

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(Y/N) pov
After marine had finally come back she wouldnt talk about what happened so I could only assume she was ok. I had asked her so had sabastian and the others. But she would only say she was ok. Ceil had spoken to her but he wouldnt tell us what she had said.
But after they had spoken she seemed to have been in a better mood and back to her clumsy self.
Me and sabastian had spent the day together as lady Elizabeth and master ceil where together. You could see that ceil didnt like lizzy as much as he said he did but he did still care for her . Alois kept showing up I dont know why or what he wanted.
Claud was always with him trying to talk to me but I just either stayed by sabastian, lady Elizabeth or I just refused to stay in the same room with him. He for some reason creepy me out. I dont know why so dont ask.
Please dont hate me for saying that he just does not leave me alone when I'm in the same room as him.
I will say sabastian gets jealous when he even tryst to come near me but I do find that kinda funny but hey ho i try to stay way away from claud as much as possible.
Going back to alois real quick he doesnt leave master ceil alone I dont know what that's about either.

Sebastian's pov real quick
Why the hell wont claud leave (y/n) leave them alone. I have already said to leave them alone man he needs to leave. They do try to stay away from him but oh well.

(Sorry this took so long but I had no idea what to write or if I wanted to carry on writing this book but then seeing that people still like it I just thought right what ever came to my head as I wrote it so thank you for putting up with me. This was also kinda a rant of how I dint like claud form black butler. Sorry if you so like him but i really dont. Hope u some what enjoyed this chapter. Once again sorry it toke so long)

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