chapter 2 ciels and lizzys demon

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I was stand right next to my young princess who was planning to surprise her beloved ciel. She dressed everyone else but as she got on to finny ciel walked in.
Ciel: lizzy w....what are u doing here

Lizzy: I wanted to surprise you do u like it


"Who's that" lizzy said pointing at ciels new butler. "Well that's my new butler sabatian lizzy" ciel said

Wow y/n you look wonderful" ciel said as he looked past lizzy so I said thank you as someone would to a complement like that. So I look at sabatian he didn't look like a ordinary butler but neither do I.

Sabatians pov

Well young Elizabeth butler looks familiar. Well she's not going to hurt my young lord and she hasn't done anything to the masters feyonsa. So I don't think they are any harm.

"Well my Lord do u think it time for supper"

"Yes sabatian go make the" my Lord was going to say before being interrupted by the lady Elizabeth

"Ciel u should let y/n cook she/him  is amazing at its lady Elizabeth said

"Why don't y/n and sabatian cook together" my Lord said
The lady lizzy jumped up and down in excitement.

So as they both are eating lizzy askes ciel if he would like to have a party. Ciel looks at lizzy shocked and askes her where did that idea come from. She replied with well I just thought it would be fun to have one we haven't had one in a while. Ciel agreed with her and agreed to have the party.

So me and y/n had to prepare for the party and make the food. I think she/he did pretty well I think I like her/him.

Y/n pov

So I had to set up lady Elizabeth and ciels newly plans party with that other demon he keeps looking at me. But why demons don't have felling for other demons other than hate. So anyway as me and sabatian set up lady Elizabeth and Lord ciel phantom hive went to bed.

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