in love

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This felling. It felt like my heart was trying to burst out my chest. As I was looking in to his eyes as we danced. It was a weird felling I had never felt this before. Is this what human call love. Do I love sabatian? Another demon?

The dance was ............. wonderful as we danced it felt like everything......everyone had feaed away it's like there wasn't there anymore. But when we had stopped dancing everything went back to the way it was. So everyone was looking at us dancing.

Everyone excluding miss lizzy and Lord ciel was looking at us both in Shoke as no one has ever seen us dance like that. Well I must say any way love is a wonderful fell. I wonder dose he fell the same.

Sebastian pov

I think I love (y/n). No I don't think I know I love (him/her). This felling of love I felt as I was dancing with (him/her).this felling is amazing but the one thing I thought was we couldn't fell any tip of fell.

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