chapter 8

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(Y/n's pov)
I could tell ceil and lady lizzy was disappointed in marin. And so was Sebastian as he hasn't talked to her in days. I feel bad for her I don't want her to be treated like this anymore. It's not fair.

So as I'm looking for her I end up bumping In to her.
"Ah marin the person I was just looking for" I stated
"Oh (y/n) i was looking for u to actually I wanted to apologise for what I said I didn't mean any of it I was just angry and jelouse I am so sorry my lady" marin had replied
I forgave her and told her it was quite alright and that I was sorry to I didn't mean to make her jelouse and that I didn't mean to hurt her on purpose.

(Im so sorry this is all I can think to Wright at the moment)

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