the confession????

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(Y/n) pov
OK so today I will tell sabatian how much I love him but how. I asked my young lade about it because you know demon not really good with fellings.
I asked her how I should ask him.
"My Young lade" I asked
"Yong eyes (y/n) what can I help u with is it sabatian" she replied know that is was about him.
"Yes it is I was just wondering how could I ask him to be mine because as you know demons are not really good with this type of stuff" I said abit worred.

"Well really all u have to do  (y/n) is be your self and if he dosnt love you for you then he dosnt love you ok" she had answer in the kindest voice.
"Thank you my princess". I had left to go get ready to ask sabatian to be mine.

Sabatians pov
Today I will ask the love of my life out my (y/n). I can't wait to ask her to be mine.i talked to mine young master about it and he said "Well really all u have to do sabatian  is be your self and if she dosnt love you for you then she dosnt love you"

I go to get ready to ask her if she says  she will then it will be amazing. It will one of the best thing that has happened to me. I really do hope she says yes . The way I plane to ask her is by giving her flowers with a card saying will you go out with me.

Well as I walk down the hall with flowers in hand. To try and find (y/n)
I finally found her. Yes there she is looking beautiful as always well here it goes. I go up to her and give her the flowers.

(Y/n) pov
Well it am looking for sabatian when I deside if i stand in one place he will find me. That's is when I see him walking up the hall with something in his hands. I can see what it is.

I think it might be flowers. Well any way he walks up to me and they are flowers he was holding flowers. And he hands them to me and tells me to look at the card. So I do and it says "will u go out with me seb". So I am just staring at the card and I really can't believe what it says on it.

So I look at him.......

(Cliffhanger sorry but I want to make u all wait. And this is my longest chapter yet and I wanted to say the next chapter should be out on 13 or 14 of july ok bye for now)

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