the real confusion

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I look at sabatian he is standing the waiting for my answer. And my answer is yes. He was so surprised.
I guess he didn't think I would say yes. I think he thought I would say no.

Well after that I walked past the kitchen and marin gave me a death stiar . I don't think she is very happy that sabatian had asked me out. I smiled at her but she just looked at me and huffed. Well I think she likes sabatian. 

Marin's pov
I was walking down the hall looking for sabatian. I want to give him a card in made for him. It says  I love you .
On it so as I come round the corner I see sabatian with (y/n). Ahhh what are they doing together. He gives her flowers what.

Then she starts smiling and hugs him. I hears sabatian say to her "I love you (y/n)". I want to start crying. No actually I do start crying. (I fell so sorry for marin now and she's a small jealous little bean) 

I run past the young master and lady lizzy crying as I'm running to my room. They do notice but I ignore them. I don't want anyone to see me cry.

So after about what seemed like for ever. It was really an hour. So onced i stopped crying i went down to the kitchen. And started to cook. I see (y/n) go past I look at her with hate in my eyes. I don't hate her do I. No I don't. I'm just jealous. That  pompous little brat stole sabatian away from me. OK I do hate her.
I'm sitting there cutting food up staring at her I didn't even notice I had cut the food so hard that the knife went throw the cutting bored. I even scared finney.

(Sorry that this took so long for me to do I had ran out of ideas. If you have any ideas that you want me to put in the next chapter then just comments it)

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