she runs into your arms after she gets off stage (requested)

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"Thank you all so much for coming! I love you and can't wait to see you all again soon!" Ariana said into her mic, making the thousands upon thousands of fans in the crowd scream loudly before she blew them some kisses and walked off stage.

It was yet another exciting show that she performed tonight.

The crowd was so loud, on their feet singing and dancing with her as she put on one of the greatest shows she's ever done.

This tour is her favorite so far and she's still got a few more shows to go after tonight.

Just like every show, you watched her perform from backstage.

You rarely ever pull your phone out of your pocket during the show, only ever to snap a few photos and videos to show her later or to post sometime down the line.

Knowing that you were waiting for her, Ariana handed over her mic and took her in-ear monitors out before she looked around for you.

You stood just across the room, staring at her with such love that it made her heart melt.

She ran to you and her arms around your neck. You spun her around a little, making her giggle in your ear. The sound is always so infectious, always bringing the biggest smile to your face.

"You did so well, Ari!"

"You say that after every show." She jokingly reminded ou and you just shrugged your shoulders with a grin.

"That's exactly right, baby. Because I mean it every single time."

She put her lips on yours for a long passionate kiss and when she pulled away, she put her forehead on yours.

"Come on, baby. Let's go rest."

She nodded and took your hand, walking to her dressing room with you.

She changed out of her clothes and into a sweater and a pair of sweats before she sat down beside you.

"No." You said, making her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she took a seat. "Lay down, my love. Put your head on my lap."

She happily did so, laying her head right down on your lap with a sparkle in her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." She smiled. "I'm having so much fun. I don't ever want it to end."

"I know. Your fans are having fun too. You put on such wonderful shows, Ari. You truly are the brightest star and the best performer I've ever seen. You put on such unforgettable performances. I think this tour is my favorite yet."

"Mine too." She said as her eyes closed. "It's even better with you by my side through everything. You're always here to cheer me on and support me. I'm having the time of my life, even more so because I've got you here too."

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be." You said as you kissed her forehead.

She just hummed in response, although another adorable smile tugged at her lips.

"Are you sleepy, babe?" You asked, caressing her cheek.

"A little. I'm just resting my eyes for now though."

You shook your head, holding back a giggle.

You've heard that before. Many, many times. But it's okay if she falls asleep. She's worked so hard, it's understandable why she's tired.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you more."

You played with her hair and watched as she drifted off to sleep with her head on your lap, looking cozy and cute.

And since you had a little time to spare before you had to head out to the bus and get ready to go to the next city, you let her rest.

You listened to her breathe and stared at her with a look of love, wondering how you ever got so lucky to be able to call her yours.

Ariana Grande Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now