she proposes on stage (requested)

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You could see it even from where you were standing backstage; the bright smile on Ariana's face. It hasn't fallen even once yet since she went out on stage about forty minutes ago. Her eyes were bright as she stared out at the fans in the crowd. They sang every word back to her, and they'd cheer excitedly when she'd get a little closer to the edge to touch their hands.

It was a beautiful thing; the way they love her, and the way she loves them right back.

She finished singing 'side to side' and you expected her to go straight to the next song. You pulled out your phone and took a picture of her just as she turned her head to smile back at you, making the picture even more special. You slid your phone back into your pocket while she brought the mic back up.

You thought you'd hear her beautiful voice fill the arena once again, but instead, she pulled one of her in-ear monitors out and started to speak, all while keeping her eyes on you.

"Y/n can you come out here for a minute, please?" She asked as she waved you out.

Your eyes went wide. Just the thought of standing in front of forty thousand screaming fans made your stomach flip. You shook your head as your anxiety grew a little. Ariana came over to you and took your hand. "I have something really important to talk to you about."

Your heart hammered and your hands felt clammy as she wrapped her fingers around yours and pulled you on stage with her. "Can't it wait, Ari? I-I don't know if I can handle being in front of everyone like this." You explained, hand shaking in hers slightly.

Ariana squeezed your hand reassuringly. "Just look at me. I'm here. And besides, I think, in the end, it'll be worth it."

What was she talking about?

You swallowed thickly and looked at the fans in the crowd. For the first time, you were seeing what she sees almost every day for months and months on end. It was incredible; all of the lights and the excited fans out in the crowd really did blow you away. No wonder why Ariana is constantly in awe of it all.

"Hey," Ariana said to you as she caressed your cheek making you turn your head back to her. "I love you."

You smiled, both from the sweet statement and the fans that screamed in response. "I love you too."

"You've changed my life. I don't know what I'd ever do without you! You make me so happy. You make me a better person. You're the reason behind all the love songs I've been able to stand up here and sing. You're the reason why I smile. I fall even more in love with you each and every day."

You couldn't help but notice that now it was her hand that was shaking in yours. You brushed your thumb over her knuckles comfortingly and her heart fluttered at the feeling.

Before you could even ask her what was going on, she was letting go of your hand and getting down on one knee.

Your breath hitched when she held out the ring for you. It was stunning!

Your heart hammered against your chest and you could hardly see her through the blur of your tears.

You could hear the sound of the fans erupting into loud screams and you knew they were capturing this moment, planning to share it for the rest of the world to see. But you didn't even care. Everything was fading out and all you could focus on was Ariana.

"There's no one else that I wanna spend forever with. I love you. Will you marry me?"

As she said those four words, the tears started to fall. Your knees felt weak so you fell onto them. You giggled tearfully before nodding your head excitedly. "Yes!"

With shaking hands, Ariana slid the ring onto your finger and then pulled you into her arms. You buried your face into the crook of her neck. You looked down at the ring in amazement. It was so special! Not just because it was big and beautiful, but because Ariana had picked it out just for you, and that was what you loved most about it.

"I love you! I can't wait to marry you." You said against the warm skin of her neck and let your lips trail across her skin.

"You're really my fiancee. I can't believe it. I'm so lucky," she said. Lifting your head from her neck, you let her cup your cheeks and bring you in for a long, loving kiss. "I'm so in love with you. I can't wait to marry you, too." She whispered, forehead falling against your own.

And despite all the eyes on you, she somehow still made you feel like it was just the two fo you that existed.

Everything else faded away as she held you in her arms and you stared down at the stunning ring on your finger, allowing your mind to wander with thoughts of what your future with Ariana will hold.

Ariana Grande Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now