you come home from visiting family sick (requested)

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"Hey, there you are," Ariana grinned as you walked through the front door.

She stood up and came to your side as you set your bags down and kicked off your shoes, hoping for a big hug from her favorite girl.

"You've been gone forever.' She said, expecting you to either playfully roll your eyes or shake your head with a smile because you weren't gone that long.

It had only been four days that you spent visiting your family but to Ari, it had been an eternity.

She's missed holding you and kissing you and just being able to come home to your sweet voice and comforting presence.

But when you lifted your head, she saw that you looked completely miserable.

You looked beyond exhausted and she could see a few beads of sweat gathered on your forehead.

"Are you alright, baby?" She asked as she put her hand on your forehead.

"No." You sniffled and then brought your elbow to your mouth to cough into it. "I think I'm sick."

You were running a fever for sure, she could tell by how warm you felt.

"When did you start feeling this bad? When I talked to you a few hours ago, you sounded okay."

"It didn't hit me until a couple of hours ago. When it hit me, it hit me like a ton of bricks. My body hurts, I'm hot, my nose is stuffed up one second then running the next, my chest hurts when I cough, and I feel like I'm swallowing glass anytime I swallow because my throat hurts so much."

"We'll get you to the doctor's in the morning. If all else fails, I'll take you to urgent care so you can get some medicine and start feeling better soon."

"I know it's not that late but I don't feel good at all and I just want to go to bed."

"Okay, baby. Come on, let's get you upstairs."

You coughed into your elbow again and then groaned as your chest ached.

Ariana locked the front door and then grabbed your purse so you at least had your most important things for the night and she could help you unpack the rest of your bags when you felt more up to it.

She grabbed you some cold water before helping you upstairs and into bed.

"Let's see if we have anything that can help with your fever." She said after tucking you in under the covers just as you started to shiver.

She went into the bathroom and looked through the cabinet before finding a bottle of Tylenol, which would hopefully help bring your fever down some.

"Here, darling," She said when she returned to your side. "Take these."

She put them on your tongue and brought your glass of water to your lips because you were still cold and the blanket covered your entire body up to your shoulders and she didn't want you to feel even colder by having to take your arms out from under the covers.

She watched you swallow the medication before you coughed again, this time a little worse.

"It's alright, baby." She comforted you, her hand gently brushing along your back.

"I feel like I'm going to cough up a lung." You groaned before putting your head back on the pillow.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, Ari. I've been gone for days and I know how excited you were for me to be home with you again. This must be the worst way for me to arrive back, I feel like crap and all I want to do is rest when I'm sure you wanted to cuddle and watch movies and catch up."

"It's not your fault, Y/N. Everyone gets sick and even though I was excited to catch up a little, I'm not upset at all about it. We can do everything I had in mind this evening in a few days when you're feeling better."

"Or when you feel better. If it's contagious, I'm sure I'll give it to you. Maybe you should sleep downstairs or in one of the guest rooms."

"Not a chance." She chuckled. "I did say I wasn't upset and it wasn't your fault but I at least plan to stay here with you. I can still cuddle you and that's all that matters to me right now."

You snuggled up to her and hummed as she slipped her fingers under the blanket and then your shirt to let them dance along your spine.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered before kissing your head. "Feel better soon, my angel. I'll be right here until you feel better, I promise. I'll take good care of you."

You knew she would.

She always does.

Ariana Grande Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now