you don't tell her that your stomach hurts

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"Are you sure you wanna go out tonight? You look like you're not feeling very well." Ariana mumbled as she laid her hand to your forehead. You didn't feel feverish exactly, but you did feel warmer than usual. But it wasn't just that that was causing her to worry. It was also the look in your eyes and the way you'd occasionally bite down on your lip, as though you were hurting.

"I'm alright." You lied and tried to ignore the ache in your stomach like you've been trying to do for the last little while. "What are we doing tonight?" You faked an excited expression and clutched her hand.

"Just a romantic spot I found downtown. I think you'll like it. But if you don't feel well,"

You didn't even let her finish.

"No! I'll be okay." You tried to convince her. "This is the first date night we've been able to have in a few weeks. Trust me, I'll be okay. But if it makes you feel any better, if I feel unwell at all tonight, I'll let you know."

She sighed but gave your hand a squeeze and took her keys and closed the front door behind her.

You thought you'd be alright. Really, it was just a small stomach ache. Surely you'd be okay. Maybe it was just because you felt hungry! Maybe, getting some food in your stomach would ease the pain and eventually make it fade away completely.

It was about twenty minutes later that you arrived at the restaurant. It was fancy and romantic, just like she said it would be.

The lights were dimmed and there was soft music playing in the background. There was a delicious smell in the air and your stomach didn't feel all that bad at first.

But the more time passed, the worse you began to feel.

TWhen the food was right in front of your face, you started to feel worse than before. You sank your teeth into your lip and tried to ignore the way your hands were shaking and sweating as you took the fork into your hand but dropped it when you started to feel sick.

Ariana was busy devouring her own food that she didn't really notice how uncomfortable you had become.

Until she heard a whine fall from your lips. You tried to hide it. You tried to hide the pained look on your face by dropping your forehead onto the table.

The once delicious smelling food was now causing your stomach to turn. You felt unwell.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" She gently laid her hand over yours and when she saw the way you were gnawing at the skin on your lip when you lifted your head, she knew something was wrong.

She dropped her fork onto her plate. She knew you were about to tell her that everything was alright. But she shook her head and squeezed your hand before reminding you of what you promised her earlier.

"No, no. Don't tell me you're 'just fine'. You promised that if you felt unwell for any reason you'd tell me. I can see it in your eyes, baby girl. Just tell me the truth." She cooed.

You let out a heavy sigh and nodded your head. "I don't feel good."

"What's wrong? Tell me."

"My stomach hurts. That's all it started off as I promise. It was just a small ache but it's gotten worse and now I feel kinda nauseous and my hands are shaking and I feel warm."

"Excuse me?" She looked toward the waitress who came over to your table right away. "Can we get the check."

The waitress nodded and put it on the table before she left.

"Be right back. You stay here." She mumbled and kissed the crown of your head before going to pay. You found comfort by laying your forehead against the table. It felt cool against your warm skin. It felt relieving.

"Hey," Ariana whispered as she laid her hand on your back. "Let's get you home, my love." She whispered and grabbed your things before laying her hand onto the small of your back and helping you out to the car.

You tilted your seat back a little and turned the radio on but kept the volume low. The sun had set so the drive home would be relaxing. You laid your head back and closed your eyes, falling asleep to the hum of the car and the music quietly playing on the radio.

You were awoken by the sound of a car door closing and then a rush of air hitting your skin. Ariana unbuckled your seatbelt and helped you out of the car.

"We'll get you nice and cozy in bed." She said as she closed the front door behind her and flipped on the kitchen lights. "Go up to bed. I'll be up there in just a moment."

Feeling too ill to argue, you climbed the stairs slowly and fought to keep your heavy eyes open with each and every step that you took.

You felt so relieved when you made it up to bed.

You barely had the energy to kick off your shoes. You fell back onto the bed and closed your tired eyes. Your stomach still felt achy but the nausea had faded, although you didn't know how long that would last exactly.

You heard Ariana's footsteps as she came into the bedroom. "Okay. I got you some water and a bucket, as well as a cool cloth for your forehead. I know you said you felt warm so I figured this would help a little." She whispered as she laid it over your warm skin.

You sighed blissfully, comforted by the cool water on your skin.

"Feels good?" She asked as she climbed into bed beside you.

"Feels great. Thank you, Ari."

"No problem." She mumbled then kissed your cheek lovingly. "I know you felt excited about tonight and that's why you didn't tell me the full truth but please know that your health is far more important than a fancy restaurant. We could've had a date night here with some soup in our cozy pajamas and a good movie!"

You opened your eyes and Ariana even detected a little excitement in them. "I like that idea!"

"Okay then. It's settled. Tomorrow we have a do-over date night and act like tonight's fancy dinner date didn't even happen. We'll cozy up in bed under the blankets and curl up in some warm pajamas with some movies." She grinned, eyes as big and bright as yours. "But for now, you need to rest. Close your eyes and get some sleep. Remember that if you need anything, I'm right here."

"I know you are. Thank you. I love you." You mumbled as you closed your eyes, already drifting off to sleep.

"Love you too. Sleep tight. Feel better soon, baby."

Ariana Grande Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now