you fight but can't sleep without each other (requested)

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As you lied in the cold, empty bed all you could think about was what had taken place earlier.

A fight about who had to do the dishes. While it may seem silly to some, you both had long days and even though it was her turn to do them she was resistant to do so. It turned into a pretty bad argument when she tried to convince you to do them.

So, instead of stealing a few kisses from her lips before you said goodnight, you were instead met with the loud slam of the bedroom door from you, and the one down the hall in the spare room from her.

You were crawling under the covers alone tonight. You faced away from her side of the bed and stared off at the wall instead. You figured things would be better in the morning. A good night's sleep would do you both some good!

But, falling asleep was much easier said than done.

The bed was cold without her. No matter how or where you lay at night she's always there to hold you. You felt empty without her there with you. You hate the feeling; you go through it quite often, when she's away, and you dread every hour you have to spend without her.

There was a tug at your heartstrings when you let your mind wander to how she must feel. Alone in the spare room. Sure, it's comfortable; you made sure of that when you set it up for anyone that comes to visit. But it wasn't your shared bed. It wasn't the same.

You sat up in bed and ran your fingers through your now messy hair. The room was dark now with the lights off and the sun down. The time on the clock said it was only a little after midnight. How were you supposed to get through several more hours without her?

You didn't even care about being right or wrong any longer. You only wanted her. You wanted to be in her arms and feel her warm breath fan against your neck. The brush of her lips against your skin and the words of love that fall from her lips.

You pushed the covers away and got out of bed. Bare feet touching the floor, you made your way to the door and when you opened it you saw Ariana standing there.

"You're awake? I thought you'd be asleep." She mumbled.

"How could I sleep? I couldn't stop thinking about you and you weren't there to hold me. You know I can't sleep without you."

You could tell she was trying to resist the urge to reach out to you and hold you. Her hands were itching to hold yours. You could see it in the way she'd open her mouth to say something, only to close it again a second later when the words wouldn't seem to slip from her tongue. You could see it in her eyes; in the soft, apologetic look they held.

You didn't think twice. You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around her and hold her tight. A breat h of relief fell from her lips and just a few seconds later, her arms were going around you to hold you close. You felt her lips on the crown of your head while you let yours brush against her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. That was so silly of us to fight about. I should've been more understanding."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too." She whispered. "How about next time one of us doesn't feel up to doing a chore, we help each other out. Do it together." She suggested.

"Sounds good." You pulled away but kept your arms around her back. She nudged her nose against yours then let her lips lock with your own. She moved her hands from your back to your hips, giving them a reaussuring squeeze as she kissed you lovingly.

When you pulled away, much to your girlfriend's dismay, you tugged her hand and pulled her into the bedroom with you. You crawled under the covers and she joined you.

And this time, when you were laying on your side, her arms were right around you and her lips occasionally brushed against your skin. You were both feeling sleepy, but you didn't close your eyes. Instead, you just laid there in a comfortable silence as you held onto each other and didn't plan to let go anytime soon.

Ariana Grande Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now