you're famous and find out that she has a crush on you (requested)

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The loud screams coming from the fans in the crowd as Ellen called your name and you started to walk out onto the stage were louder than you've ever heard before.

You felt giddy, butterflies in your stomach as you realized that one of your biggest dreams were really coming true today. Being on Ellen was a dream, one you never imagined coming true. But everything has been so surreal lately but in the most incredible way.

You greeted Ellen, grinning from ear to ear as she gave you a hug and then sat down on her chair across from you.

"Wow," she commented, making your smile grow as the screams started to die down slightly as everyone took a seat. "So, first of all, congrats on all of your successes so far!"

The cheering followed, making your cheeks turned red.

"You're really talented and I know this all must be so surreal for you, but you deserve all of the love you're getting."

You thanked her gratefully and bounced your knee excitedly. Looking around, you were in awe of everything. This is only the first of your many interviews this upcoming week but you had a feeling nothing would be able to top this one.

She asked you a few questions about your music; from how you feel about the music you've put out and the new songs you'll be releasing soon, to the things and people that inspire you the most, and a few things in between.

But then, things went in a new direction, and the mention of Ariana's name made you perk up and made the butterflies come rushing back.

"So are you a fan of Ariana Grande?"

"Yes! Who isn't?"

"She's a huge fan of you, you know that?"

Your eyes went wide. The thought of Ariana being a fan of you felt unreal. You've been a huge fan of her for so long now, finding that she's made a huge impact on your life and your own journey to stardom.

But, as if that wasn't enough, Ellen then said,

"She actually has a pretty big crush on you!"

You gasped and the audience cheered at Ellen's words while you only sat there in awe.

"Last time she was here, which was only a few days ago, I asked her some questions about her favorite artists currently and she immediately answered that you're her favorite and she said, and I quote, I love her music and she's insanely beautiful, I have a pretty big crush on her."

Your heart was hammering against your chest. Your hands shook and thoughts of only her started to swirl around your now busy brain.

"So, my question for you, y/n, is how do you feel about Ariana?"

"Oh! Are you kidding? I think she's incredible. She inspires me a lot and I think she's so talented and... I also think she's insanely beautiful."

"So, you have a crush on her, too, correct?"

"Yeah! Are you kidding, she's stunning. Beautiful, inside and out."

Ellen giggled, licking her dry lips as the crowd cheered before she told them to stop for a second so she could say,

"Well, I'm sure Ariana is gonna be so excited to hear that! Because I told her that you were coming on today and she's watching right now."

Your eyes were so wide Ellen actually wondered that they'd pop right out.

Your head felt dizzy. You've never felt your heart beating as fast as it is now, feeling both a mix of nerves yet a rush of happiness that you couldn't deny.

The interview ended not much longer after that; a few questions here and there that you answered as calmly as possible, while all you could really think about was Ariana and what she might be feeling and thinking right now.

When you got back to your dressing room, you knew you only had a few minutes before you had to head out to the next place for the next interview you had today.

But your manager was holding your phone, a smile on her face when you sat on the sofa in the room and said, "You're gonna want to check Twitter."

Oh. There was that pounding in your chest again. This time it was accompanied by an anxious feeling in your chest. Were people saying things? How many news sources were already making bank on your confession?

But then, you opened Twitter and saw a message from that one special person.

"Y/N! I was so happy when I heard everything on Ellen today! I'm so happy you like me too. Let's hang out sometime? It would be a dream come true if you said yes! PS, I think you're even more stunning,"

You hugged your phone to your chest and squeezed your eyes shut with a squeal.

You quickly messaged her back and said, "I'd love that so much! Name the time and place, I'll be there!"

It was only a moment later, as you got up to head out of the door and then out of the building when your phone chimed. Another message from Ariana, but this one said,

"Great. I know a cute little restaurant that we can go to! I can't wait to see you in a few days?"

Your fingers trembled as you typed a 'can't wait!' and followed your manager and the guards out, feeling happier than ever before.

And it was only the beginning.

Ariana Grande Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now