Chapter 3- Meeting Moondrop!

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Hello my lovlies! Heres another meaty chapter for you to enjoy! Stay tuned for more Sundrop and Moondrop! They really are the cutest characters in my opinion! <3


        You stand your ground thinking about what Sunny said regarding Moondrop and you become determined to make a friend out of him! You hear some metal screeching and the silhouette of Sunny changed, his spikes going in and a hat popped out. Moondrops red glowing eyes snap over to you and he begins to crawl towards you over top of your couch, his head turned upside down. "Hmm, well he was right, you're much more beautiful in person~" Shocked you blushed and backed up a few steps. "Oh- uh- t-thanks. Uhm I'm Y/N and you must be moondrop?" He smirked and jumped in front of you, standing as straight as he could due to the ceiling restrictions. He looked directly down at you, placing a finger under your chin, forcing you to meet his glowing gaze. "Oh how fun! Your face makes me want to flirt more~" You are now fully blushing from ear to ear. "Moondrop, I-I need to get dressed if you don't mind." You lightly bap his hand away. Moondrop chuckles lowly sending a shiver down your spine. "Well depends on if I can watch." he almost demands.

        You start to laugh out of nowhere. You grab your clothes and run into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. Moondrop was shocked at your reaction and could only just stand there while you got away. He growls from the other side of the door, "You DARE laugh! You have no IDEA what I could do to you naughty girl!~" You laugh a bit more and respond with, "Oh, seems I hit a soft spot huh? Sorry, but you're an animatronic, I highly doubt you could hold up the end of the bargain you're serving out." He pauses hearing the thoughts of his counter part,

Sun: 'Please keep your mouth shut! Don't make her uncomfortable!'

Moon: 'Oh you don't want her to know what we can REALLY do?~'

Sun: 'I-uh, I- well...'

Moon: 'That's what I thought.'

        "Oh trust me, we are capable of much more than you think little star~" You blush standing on the other side of the door. Your imagination is roaming to thoughts of Sunny, Moon, and you. You clear your throat, "O-of course, I should have kept my mind open eh?" you stammer out. Moondrop laid a hand against the door with the thought, maybe, just maybe, hed enjoy keeping Y/N around. He really likes messing with her. "Alright then little star, why not come out and I can show you a little something?" You stand for a moment and get dressed. "I-I just want to get to know you Moondrop..." He full on blushes, not that you can see with the door in the way. He can't believe it, you want to get to know... HIM. He leaves the door and sits on the couch crossing his arms and draping one leg over the other. With a grumpy expression he says, "Hmph, whatever you say little star."

        You step out of the bathroom and can barely make out the silhouette of Moondrop sitting on your couch. You glance at the stickers slightly glowing on your tall counter top, "So Moony, want to help me put my stickers on the ceiling?" You grab them and hold them out so he could reach them easier, "Don't call me that. But sure, I guess." You place them into his hand and smiled, waiting to see his reaction. Upon seeing the green glowing stars and among them a crescent moon, "You-you got these yourself?" he gaped at you. You giggled at his reaction and nodded your head, "Sure did, you seem to really like them, do you want some of your own?" He jumped up from the couch nearly bonking his head on the cieling, "You'd do that just for... me?" You smile again, "Well of course! You're my new friend so that means I'd happily do lots of things for you." Suddenly you're enveloped in a light hug and the smell of lavender. He quickly releases you and opens the bag of stars, "Where to put these?" he asks blushing slightly. You couldn't see his blush due to the low lighting and respond with, "Over my bed please." You point above it and he blushes more. Once he had arranged the stars and moon as he saw fit he sat back on the couch.

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