Chapter 6- New Places!

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Ahhhhh! Another chapter so soon!? I couldn't keep ideas from flowing! Enjoy and comment if you like the way the story is turning out!


 With the small colorful spider upon your shoulder you take a look at you fazz watch every now and again for the map. You decided to use your flashlight as the hallways were fairly dim now due to it being after hours. All of the kids have by now left and the workers would be finishing their duties and leaving. You wave to some fellow coworkers who are walking towards the employee exits and every once in a while will get a weird look. The small spider animatronic is more than likely the reason why.

        You arrive outside the doors to the west arcade and easily push open the doors. It nearly feels strange because the doors to the daycare are fairly heavy, for the safety of the kids you assume. Don't want any escapees. You take in your new surrounding. You see a large stage and a black and white curtain. Theres a DJ turntable, colorful lights are one, but the room doesn't seem all that bright. Theres strange holes in the walls.

        You approach the turntables and gently set the small spider down onto it. "Well I hope you stay put now, I wouldn't want you to get lost again little guy." you stated while patting his head. He merely nods at you and scampers off behind the curtain waving for you to follow. You oblige him and push the curtain aside as you enter the back. You stare in shock in just how large another animatronic is. This must be DJMM, the DJ for the pizzeria. He has four arms and colorful blue markings on his face. Sunglasses sit on his nose and his white hair flares out behind him.

        "Oh hello! I see you found my small friend. Thank you very much for returning him. I'm DJMM the friendly DJ in this neighborhood. Who might you be? I haven't seen your face around." You smile up at him, slightly intimidated by his large frame, "I'm Y/N and it was no problem. I heard him in the vents behind my wall so I took a look. He's quite the cutie!" DJMM nods his head to an inapparent rhythm, you then take notice of the headphones upon his head.

        You wave goodbye to the small spider and the DJ before taking your leave, "Bye guys! If you ever need anything I'm usually in the daycare, I'm responsible for that area and keeping watch over the whole place." They wave back and watch as you leave. "Hmm, I wonder how long she will last here? She seems so nice, hopefully not like that Vanny girl." he whispers to his small spider friend.

        You begin traveling back to the daycare as it's almost time for your shift to start. You can't wait to see Sunny and Moony again. As you were lost in thought you bump into someone. "Oh! So sorry!" you grab the persons elbow to keep them from falling and take notice it was Vanessa. "Ugh- Y/N you have got to take being a security guard more seriously. Watch whats going on in your surroundings." she scowls at you. You're taken aback by this. She has never been so hostile before. "Sorry, you are totally right." you sheepishly respond. She nods at you shinning her flashlight down the hallway in the direction you came from.

        "What were you doing down there? You aren't supposed to be out this way unless something happened security wise." She glares at you, almost as if she was suspicious. "I-I was just helping an animatronic back to its place, he needed some help is all." She looked down on you as she thought it over, "Alright, don't let me catch you out here again like this, got it?" You shake your head yes and watch as she starts walking away, "I'll be taking the guard duty for the next few days. I'm serious Y/N, I do not want to see you over here at night."

        With a flip of her blonde hair she disappears down the hallway. A bit upset with that encounter you make your way back down to the daycare. You take the large door entrance for the first time as you just wanted to get out of the hallways and into the arms of Sunny. "Sunflower!" Sunny shouts as he sees you enter. He was holding a spray bottle and cloth still, nearly done cleaning the daycare. "Hey Sunny." you waved at him.

        Sunny skipped over to you happy as ever, "Awe whats wrong my Sunbeam? Something got you upset?" You simply wave your hand, not wanting to worry him about anything, besides maybe Vanessa was just having a bad day. "Oh it's nothing, just a bit tired still." Sunny smiles and scoops you up bridle style, still holding the cloth and spray bottle in one hand. "That's ok Sunflower, I'm almost finished up so I will be just a moment!" He sets you down on the security chair and cleans the last few tables of their glitter glue and googly eyes.

        Sunny skips back over to you and you notice he is still a bit dirty along with a layer of glitter. Giggling you grab the cloth and spray bottle from him, "Here Sunny, I think you need a bit of cleaning yourself." You stand up as he sits on the ground for you to have better access. You spray and clean his faceplate and rays. Once you were done you put one hand on your hip and the other you gave him a thumbs up. "All done!" Sunny smiles and jumps up. He stumbles a bit and one of his legs start to twitch crazily. "Wo-a-a-h!" Sunny falls onto his butt and his leg was sparking a bit. "Sunny! Are you ok?"

        You step a bit closer when he puts his hand out, "Hold on, I don't want you hurt Sunbeam, you might want to call an emergency repair for me! They will be able to fix it no problem!" You nod your head and go over to the security desk to search for the number. After a few minutes you found the number and called in someone to fix Sunny. You sigh and and sit a bit away from Sunny. "Don't worry Sunshine, I'll be ok! It might just be a loose wire!" he smiles at you.

        You two chatted for about an hour until the repair guy showed up. "So Sunny, what is your favorite thing about working at the daycare?" He beams and gushes, "Oh the kids are the best part! They're so much fun to be around. I always learn new things from them! Oh and how creative they are!" he leans back on his hands and sighs. "Whats your favorite thing about working here my dear Sunshine?" You pretend to think hard for a moment, "Well you and Moon of course!" you laugh a bit.

        As you two laughed the maintenance guy who was on call came in. You waved him over quickly and he opened the panel to Sunny's leg. "Ahh not much to worry mam, just a few loose wires. They must've gotten a bit wet to cause the sparkin'." You nod your head, it makes sense since the spray was a liquid. Sunny leaned out and grabbed your hand. He wasn't sparking anymore so he felt it'd be safe to hold you.

        Sunny let you lean against his torso as his leg was worked on. After a few minutes the guy was done and heading out. Sunny stood up and gave his leg a few steps and bounces before deciding he was good to go. "See, all better Sunbeam!" he scooped you back up and nuzzled his faceplate into you. You remembered how rusty the doors were to his tower, and made a connection. "So do you and Moon not get checked on anymore? It seems like no one has done regular maintenance on you in a long time." you pat his chest a bit with a worried expression.

        "Well, no not really. We only get fixed if theres a particularly big issue at hand..." he trails off. This only raises another question, "Does that have to do with Moon?" Sunny looks a bit sad and nods his head. He suddenly turns and jumps up into the tower with you. "You will need to talk to Moon about that, it's also related to why he isn't a part of naptime anymore." He let you down and looked around the rather dusty and empty space. You look around yourself and felt sad for him, no one has cared for them in so long. They don't even have a place to laydown. No carpet or rug.

        You suddenly get an idea and pull out your phone. You open your email and begin typing an email to the boss. You write, 'Hello Boss, I have some concerns about Sundrop and Moondrop that needs to be addressed. Would you be interested in hearing me out? Thank you, Y/N.' You weren't sure if the ideas you had for them were going to be taken seriously as management has allowed for Sun and Moon to come into disarray. After typing out your quick email you hug Sunny as best you could. He was quite tall. "Don't worry Sunny, I'll make sure you and Moony are taken care of!" you had fire burning in your eyes. You felt a bit angry with the pizzeria's lack of care for the bot that is special in your eyes. smiles down at you, "I know you will Sunshine! Don't forget, Moon and I will always take care of you to!" you reach out and hold his hands in yours. Now you just need your boss to email back. You cross your fingers and hope she will hear you out soon. 


Not as spicy this time, buttttt what I have planned for next chapter is going to get interesting! I couldn't stop thinking after posting yesterday. Stay safe, and keep an eye out for the next chapter still this next weekend!

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