Videogames (Darren) - $mut

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Today was supposed to be a good day with Y/N and her boyfriend Darren. They are supposed to go out and have some fun later today, after him and the guys finish filming. However that plan seemed  to go right in the toliet. She had called Darren earlier today to tell him that she would pick him up at 4 ocklock.

 She called him again at 3 to tell him she was on her way but he didn't pick up the phone so, she assumed he was getting ready for their date. She thought by the time she got there he should be ready. She arrived at the house and texted him she was here while she waited in the car. 

Y/N got a notification that both Ryan and Justin were live right now playing the game so she joined Justins live. In the background was Darren well scting like Darren which would be cute any  other time  but they have a date and he still wouldn't pick up. She  just decided to go knock on the front door. It was opened by Oliver who gave her a warm smile once he realized it was Y/N. 

Oliver: Hey Y/N. What you doing here?

Y/N: Me and Darren are supposed to be going on a date. 

Oliver looked confused

Oliver: Really? He didn't say anything about it and he isn't even dressed.

Y/N: You're kiding  me. Right?

Oliver: No. No. I'm serious he's in Ryan and Justin's room right now. I'll go get him.

Oliver ran upstairs and a few minutes later you see Darren running down stairs. 

Darren: Oh babe I'm sooooo sorry. I totally forgot about our date today.

Y/N: Forgot?

Darren: Yeah, I forgot.

Y/N: How did you forget when we have talked about it for a week, I called yesterday,  and texted you this morning.

Darren: I don't know it just slipped my mind.

Y/N: It slipped your mind?  Hmmm. Did you forget you had a cell phone too because I've been calling you too. Then I waited outside trusting that you would come out on your own but no I see you watching Justin playing videogames.

Darren: Babe I'm really sorry. I'll go get ready right now just-

Y/N: Don't bother. I'm going back home.

Darren: But-

Y/N walked out the house before he could finish. Darren knew he had to act fast so he ran outside and beat Y/N to her car then took her keys.

Y/N: Darren give me my keys back.

Darren: No. If I do you'll go home.

Y/N: Yeah thats like the whole point.

Darren: Look I said I'm sorry and I mean that. Give me 10 minutes to put on some clothes and we can go where ever you want.

Y/N crossed her arms and stayed silent.

Darren: Come on Y/N, you know you don't like to waste makeup.

Y/N: Fine but you have 5 minutes.

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