Videogames (Manager Ty) - $mut

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Please tell me if you want me to write stories about Manger Ty too. He is undeniably a handsome man and I think some people might want imagines about him so I made a shorter one for the Manager Ty fan base. Tell me what you think in the comments! Bye.


Y/N had texted Ty about an hour ago yet got no response.She found this very weird because on Sunday's he was off so he usually responded really quick. She finished all her meetings early today so she wanted to have lunch and spend the day together.

Tired of waiting, Y/N called Oil.

Oli: Hi Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Oli. How are you?

Oli: I'm good. You?

Y/N: Same. I'm sorry t disturb you but have you seen Ty? He isn't answering his phone.

Oil: It's no problem Y/N. The last time I saw him he was playing on his phone downstairs.

Y/N: Well can you tell him that I want to go out to lunch and to get ready. I should be there in about an hour or two. I'm just wrapping up here at the office.

Oli: Alright Y/N. I'll let him know.

Y/N soon finished at the office and picked up some snacks for the boys before heading to the NSB house.

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She knocked on the door to be greeted by Ryan who smiled and gave her a warm hug.

Ryan: Hey Y/n! It's good to see you.

Y/N: Hey Ryan! It's good to see you too. Have you seen Ty?

Ryan: Yeah. He's in the living room.

Y/N: Thanks, Ryan. Here.

Y/N handed the bags to Ryan

Y/N: These are snacks for you and the guys.

Ryan: Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: No problem. See you later!

Y/N walked into the living room and saw Ty and as she approached him she saw he wasn't dressed. He was playing a game on his phone until Y/n called his name.

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