Birthday (Regie)- $mut

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Regie's birthday was in a week and Y/n was planning a big surprise for him. The boys were probably going to throw Regie a party so Y/n really wanted to get him a nice gift. She of course got him a few clothes and shoes he had been looking at but his main gift has taken a lot of prep work.

She had been leaving really early and coming home late just to make everything perfect.

Regie on the other hand wasn't thrilled about Y/N's lengthy days. She wouldn't call or text him until pretty late and the phone calls only last 5 minutes max. It was really making Regie suspicious and upset. He decided to drop by Y/N's house but she wasn't home, so he took his spare key and waited for her inside. He didn't want her to know he was here yet so he sat in the dark until she arrived.

When she walked in and turned on the light, she yelled started.

Y/n: Boy you scared the fuck out of me. What the hell are you doing?

Regie: I thought I could come over whenever I wanted. What's wrong? You got someone else coming over?

Y/n: Regie I got you a spare key so you can come whenever you want but the problem is you sitting in the dark like a murder. And no one's coming over. Why are asking me that?

Y/n lays her things down on the counter.

Regie: You just seemed a little distracted lately. Like-

Y/N phone buzzes and a message pops up on the screen.

From : Tony
" Should I make a spare key?"

Y/n quickly flipped the phone over so Regie wouldn't see but that just made him more upset. Regie stood up and grab the phone but Y/n snatched it away from him.

Regie: Y/n give me your phone.

Y/n: No. Why are you trying to look in my phone? We never do that.

Regie: I want to know.

Y/n: Know what?

Regie: Why you've been acting so weird?

Y/n : I haven't been acting weird. You're acting weird. You're the one acting as if I'm cheating on you.

Regie: Well are you?

Y/n: What?

Regie: Did you cheat on me?

Y/n: You really think I would cheat on you?

Regie: Prove it to me show me the message you just got.

Y/n: Fine.

Regie read the message and flipped out more.

Regie: Bro are you serious. You're over here acting like you're not cheating when you clearly are. I mean you're making spare keys to give to other guys now.

Y/n: What? Regie that's not what this is.

Regie: Then what is it Y/n?

Y/n: Regie I can't tell you yet. But I'm telling you this is a misunderstanding.

Regie: You're a lair and a cheater. I won't sit here and wait around for an excuse.

Y/n: Wait Regie-

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