Treehouse (Regie)- Fluffy

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Y/N: Regie I want a explination now!

Regie: I'm not going to explain anything. You just keep accusing me of something with out fact. 

Y/N: What are you talking about? You really think that I'm just not supposed to ask any questions when a random girl claims you're her baby daddy. 

Regie: Yeah. You just met her but you already believe her. 

Y/N: No! That's not true and you know it. Don't pull that guilty trip shit with me. If I thought it was true I would have left out that door and not turned back.

Regie: Well you don't believe me either. If you did you wouldn't sit here asking me these questions.

Y/N: I wouldn't ask if you didn't think it was a possability  yourself.

Regie looked away in silence

Y/N: Regie my real question is... did...did you... chea-?

Regie spoke in a low tone

Regie: No. I didn't. I wouldn't... I couldn't do that to you. You got to believe me.

Y/N: Apart of me really wants to... Apart of me doesn't and it hurts to feel conflicted Regie.

Regie: Well ask yourself this. Have I ever put doubt in your head? Have I ever made you feel insecure in this relationship?

Y/N had tears running down her face as he spoke

Y/N: I won't say you have or you haven't just yet... Hand me your phone.

Regie: My phone? Why? We never check each others phones.

Y/N: I know but this situation is different. It's one thing to say they want to fuck you and send you nudes all day. Then its another thing  when a girl hands you an ultrasound picture.

Regie sighed and then handed Y/N his phone

Y/N: Password?

Regie: Your birthday.

Y/N felt a flash of happiness that it was her birthday but he wasn't off the hook yet.

She went through all his socials and couldn't find anything so she started to relax her tear stained cheeks. That was until she got on Instagram and saw a picture he was tagged in from 2 days ago. Y/N wiped the tears from her face and glared at Regie.

Regie: What? What's wrong?

 She shoved the phone into his chest and slapped him.

Regie held his cheek

Regie: What the fuck bruh! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!

Y/N: Look at your recently tagged dumb  ass!

Regie looked at his phone and quickly looked at Y/N worried.

Regie: Y/N it's really not -

Y/N: SAVE IT! I really thought for a split second that I might have been tripp'n. Then here you go getting caught in 4k. 

Regie: I can explain.

Y/N: You seem to know how to explain everything to me but can't explain that you have a whole ass girlfriend. Not only is it one girl in the picture... but three. Really? You must have felt like a fucking rockstar. Right? Well guess what...I'm done. 

Y/N ran out the door and Regie ran after her. He tried to grab her arm but she would just push him away. Eventually she got in the car and drove away. 

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