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Taehyung had always known what he wants, he had once planned his whole life for himself. He wanted to fall in love with an alpha like the way those children stories prince, he wanted to have kids and then work for subjects under his brothers rule.

He wanted to work with people closely, understand their problems at face value and assist his brother in ruling the kingdom.

He never expected to be shoved onto the throne, his brother was selfish no matter who tries to tell him to understand his brother's perspective. It wouldn't change the fact that he was a coward and selfish, choosing to give up the position of Emperor.

Being an Emperor wasn't about power or riches, it is a position of responsibility, of taking care of those under you, of being liable to ensure a better life to those who had put their trust in you.

He is ashamed that his brother failed that duty, failed that responsibility that people have believed him to be able to carry.

But as Taehyung walked around the market surrounded by his mates he don't think he is very far away from where he wanted to be in his life. He can still work with people, work harder to ensure that his subjects live the best possible lifestyle.

He watched various stalls some of the food, some of the jewelry, and traditional clothes. Everything seems so pretty and bright that at every second something new catches his eye making him stop buying something piling stuff up on the hands of the alpha.

" Hyung, can you like fuck off. I am helping Taehyung-ie Hyung. " jungkook tries to shove off Jimin who was stuck onto Taehyung.

" I am also doing the same, I have more bags than you. You can fuck off" Jimin sounded offended.

" Okay, kids... Stop fighting. " Hoseok intervened in between pushing both of them away.

Taehyung laughed as he saw Yoongi taking away bags from Jimin, he still doesn't fully understand the bond between the two alphas but it is softer a slightly different from the bond between others.

He smiled as his nose got filled with a distinct scent, he jerked upward eyes trained toward the dark woods, he can feel someone looking at him.

He wants to go and check there, something in him itching to do so.

He looked behind at his family, his alphas bantering among themselves.

Taehyung walked toward them, a smile on his face, concealing any implications of anxiety he was feeling.

" Hyung. I have some matter to look into you guys go ahead I'll meet you at the dinner in few minutes. " Taehyung said to no one specific but he looked straight at the group.

" Okay... If you face any problem send us a signal. " Namjoon said softly to which Taehyung smiled a bit.

" sure... See you all soon. "

Taehyung turned away walking toward somewhere totally letting his instincts guide him.

He knows something in the dark is waiting for him.


" Stop treating me like I am a baby. " Jimin huffed pushing away Yoongi

" I am doing no such thing, stop trying to snatch the packets from me. " Yoongi placed packet away from Jimin's range.

" I was carrying it first, I can do on my own... Stop whatever you are doing, it won't be good I am warning you. " Jimin sounded on edge as if he was very barely controlling his anger.

" We both know, I am doing no such thing, and aren't you being an alpha should be happy that you are making another alpha work under you."

" YOU KNOW I AM NOT. STOP TOYING WITH ME " Jimin yelled pushing away Yoongi trying to walk away from the alpha.

However, his hand got caught by the alpha who pulled him back with Jimin's back pressed onto Yoongi's chest.

" and what are you Jimin-ie, tell me who are you ??? "

" I am not an alpha. " Jimin sobbed his chest heaving with sobs retching out his throat, " I am an abomination, I am lying to everyone. "

" You are not, you are perfect whatever you are. It starts with self-acceptance, you are not doing anything bad, so tell me what you are, tell me you are proud of it. " yoongi hugged him close trying to calm the boy down.

" delta, I am delta. " Jimin cried getting limp in Yoongi's hands


In this a/u there are four sub-gender

Delta is closer to Alpha sub gender while beta is closer to omega sub gender

However, as beta and delta are rare sub-gender therefore they are looked down at therefore both beta and delta try to conceal their gender to fit in.💜❤


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