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accidentally posted an unfinished draft... I am sorry 😭😭...


Taehyung sat on the throne made in the camp his finger tapping against the rough surface of the chair.

His five mates standing around him, all of their faces had an indescribable expression on their faces.

The silence in the camp was painful. The mallow distressed scent in the camp was even more painful especially when they don't know what to expect.

As the sky turns a beautiful shade of orange and the sun seems to slowly drown far away on the endless surface. They know it is time.

They felt it before they could hear or see anything.

The loud thump of footsteps with a shrill battle cry.

It must've looked easy for the enemy to barge into their land with no guards in sight.

This was the plan.

A stupid plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Taehyung sighed tapping his fingers to the rhythm of the thumping of feet of enemies as they rushed toward the camp.

The alphas were stiff around him their hands on their sword.

The camp curtain was pulled away as Jungkook was thrown on the floor ruthlessly by the man who entered the camp.

Jungkook's face was covered with blood, his body was beaten, and even just looking at him it was quite visible that the boy might have a few broken bones.

The king, that Taehyung had seen months ago in the courtroom was there in front of him. Walking forward letting out a disgusting laugh, "what a pussy you have for a mated Omega, you need a real alpha like me, not someone as weak and as unstable as this alpha"

He walked forward and put his foot on Jungkook's back pushing him down as he tried to get up.

Jungkook groaned in pain before falling back down to the ground.

The enemy army started laughing loudly, probably thinking they have the upper hand in the situation.

The king shifted his attention to Taehyung who had a blank look on his face, " we can avoid all this if you become my mate and I can see they haven't bitten you yet. Think about your empire omega otherwise, I'll crush it under my feet".

Taehyung didn't even flinch at the threat that he knows to hold not an ounce of truth in it, his eyes stuck on his mate on the ground, his nose twitches as he tries to get hold of the weird scent coming from Jungkook or Jungkook's blood to be more precise.

Hallucinogen drugs.

Taehyung's grip tightened on his armrest. These bastards dare to drug his mate.

Before the disgusting alpha can move even a little forward shrill cry started to come from outside, Namjoon smiled as he used his sword to cut the only rope that was holding down the camp.

The fabric of the camp fluttered before flying away due to the wind and the clear view of what was happening outside become visible to all.

The enemy's army was completely overpowered by the empire's army as the soldiers powered from all the directions completely surrounding them and attacking them from all sides.

The few soldiers who had entered along with Hae-sun rushed to join the fight leaving him alone surrounded by Taehyung and his five alphas.

Using the moment of confusion Jimin rushed to pick up a heavily drugged Jungkook who was blabbering rubbish, groaning in pain, and giggling all through it.

Hae-sun's eyes flickered from red to brown to red again and again as his alpha slowly seem to go feral inside him, as he lunged forward trying to get hold of Jungkook.

" You fucking bitch of an alpha. You dare to lie to me. You dare to deceive me. I'll tear you to shreds. "


(A Day ago )

Jungkook stood in front of Taehyung whose eyes were turned to a deep blue shade as his hands gripped Jungkook's hair tugging it above to make the alpha bare his neck.

" you aren't doing anything of such sorts. The letter of the challenge has been sent, no matter how weak you all think I am, I know damn well l can win. You want to be a hero by throwing yourself in the burning oven??? I'll tie you up and ship you back to the castle if you try to say it again. "

Taehyung's voice was so dark it made the Jungkook's hair at the back of the neck stand in freight.

He gulped as he felt the pull on his hair roots, " I trust you, never doubted you ones. But I have to, this is my only chance to go against my father, to return all the things he had done to harm me by ten folds. Let me do it, not for you, not to be the empire's hero, but for myself, for my mother. Let me do it please."

King Jeon had never really liked the empire, he did not appreciate the fact that he had to be under someone and so when the opportunity arises he took it without a second thought. It was easy to expect that the boy who used to follow him around and bend backward for the littlest approval would still be the same.

But Jungkook had stopped being the same years ago, the years of being abused, neglected, poisoned, and treated worst than other princes' pets had broken that boy. And all that left was hatred, a deep hatred that never got a chance to unleash.

So now when the opportunity has knocked on his door. In no way is he going to let it slip away.

And with Taehyung's approval, he went to Park Hae-sun camp with his fathers' letter in his hand pretending to be a spy for them acting as if he was working for them when he was just leading them into a well-crafted trap.

It was difficult, it was, with Hae-sun being madly obsessed with Taehyung and him being Taehyung's mate the alpha was shit from the start with one step in the camp he was made to drink a potion to suppress his alpha making Jungkook vulnerable against everyone and then when they received all the information (or when they thought they have received the information) they made him drink some drug that made him hallucinate and beat him up. The alpha cursed him for taking away 'his' Taehyung and talking big about rulings the empire and making Taehyung warm his bed, carry his litter, and making the omega watch all his six alpha die in front of his eyes.

Jungkook wanted to laugh, wanted to tell the alpha how wrong he is, how he is the one who is going to be dead, the one who is going to lose everything. But his tongue feels heavy, his mind hazy. The only regret was that he was not able to send the indication to his pack about the day of the plan execution before his eyes fall closed and he felt his vision turning bloody and every part of his body hurting

He hopes that their plan works, that his father and Hae-sun lose in the worst way possible but he wants to see his father die in front of him.

But as his eyes shut close, he doesn't know when he'll wake.


If he wakes up........



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