007 : Bicycle Date

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Chapter 7Bicycle Date

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Chapter 7
Bicycle Date

It's Saturday.

I woke up extra early today and told my Mom that I'll go out for a bicycle ride this morning. I brought my sketchbook and pencils with me to draw some designs.

After a few minutes of riding the bike, I finally reached the park. I immediately went to the bench and parked my bike beside it. It took me a few minutes to think of something to draw but I keep on messing up.

I sighed for the nth time and scratched the side of my head in frustration. All of a sudden, an image of a person flashed in my mind. I bit my lower lip as I started sketching his features. Every while I find myself smiling sweetly while finishing his details.

It was a portrait of Minho. I drew his expressionless face but I also sketch some flowers around it. Little flowers on his hair and big flowers on his neck part. When I finished coloring the drawing, I smiled and giggled quietly.

He looks like a flower boy.

Under the drawing, I wrote the word delicate because I find him very sweet and kind.

I don't know. After all what happened I still find him good. Love is suppose to be like that, right? You don't mind the flaws of someone you love, because you admire the good things in them.

All of a sudden, I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and searched around with my gaze. There I saw a guy smoking cigarette while looking at me. I failed to recognize his face because he was wearing a black baseball cap.

I sighed and just shrugged off my thoughts, thinking that it's just my anxiety kicking it. However, I gulped when he started walking towards my direction.

I quickly grabbed my things and put it inside the bicycle basket. But I noticed that the chains of my bicycle is now tangled making me groan in frustration. Out of panic, I just ran towards many people ignoring the fact that I left my bike beside the bench.

I stumbled upon someone, my face hitting their back. I didn't hesitate to tell them my situation and ask for help.

"Sir.. I thinks s-someone is following me. C-can you call the cops for me?" I asked them, looking behind my back while I grip my hand on their shirt.

"Who? Where?!"

"T-there.." I pointed towards the bench. "A-and I left my bike there.." I mumbled and looked towards the person I was asking for help into.

"Minho?" I gasped. I let go of his shirt immediately. "Nevermind.." I mumbled and was about to walk away when he pulled me by the arm.

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