044 : My Heart

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Chapter 44My Heart

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Chapter 44
My Heart

Three months later.

I giggled when I felt him brushing the tip of his nose on my cheek. We just came from the airport because Minho was excited to my arrival from US. We walked towards the car and he opened the car door for me. I sat on the seat and put my seatbelt on. Minho stood outside while the car door was still open.

"Are you sure you're totally okay now?" He asked.

That was the question he's been asking me everyday ever since Sean was thrown in jail and my brother's case was declared as solved. He knew how hard it is for me especially that I've been thinking about my Mom and the pain the she felt when I revealed her the truth about Sean.

She was angry, hurt, and disappointed. She was planning to come back here the next month to visit my brother. I can't wait for her to come home even though I just came to US visit her. I just want to hug her now.

I looked at my boyfriend and nodded my head. "I'm okay." I said and this time it wasn't a lie.

"Good." He smiled and patted my head before closing the car door.

I watched as he walked around the car to go to the driver's seat. I can't help but to admire his body proportion, the way he walks, his serious facial expression, and the way he lick his lips wet. Oh my goodness, that's my boyfriend right there. There are times that he makes me go crazy and feel drunk with his pecks and kisses. And everytime he goes near me or wrap his arms around my body, my knees feel weak and my legs would start to tremble. I have no idea why I think and act like that.

My thought were interrupted when I heard him starting the engine. I looked at the way he fold his sleeves up to his arm and how he loosened his necktie and ruffle his own hair. Damn. I'm so lucky to have this perfectly made creature by my side. I wonder how he sees me in his own point of view. Does he admire me too? Of course. He always tells how pretty and adorable I am.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

Minho sighed and started driving. "We're going to go meet my mother."

My eyes beamed in delight. "Really? Now?" He nodded his head as a response and put up a slight smile.

After a few minutes of driving, we entered their house gates. Minho held my hand and guided me to where we're going. I was confused at first because we didn't go inside their home but rather just outside. We walked in a pathway leading to the backyard of their mansion.

We were nearing a small room with only one door. The moment we stopped in front of it, just then I realized that it was a mausoleum. I gasped silently and looked at Minho. I squeezed his hand before walking inside. We stopped in front of a tomb, two candles were lighted and there were fresh flowers everywhere and in every corner of the room.

"Minho.." I mumbled his name and hugged him from the side. "I didn't know.."

"Because I didn't tell you.. it's okay darling I understand." He said, patting my back.

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