043 : The Suspect

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Chapter 43The Suspect

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Chapter 43
The Suspect

I can feel my heart pounding loud and fast every minute. I hugged the jacket that Minho gave me when we were running out of the house. I didn't even get to change into something more appropriate that's why he gave me his jacket that completely covers my thighs and chest.

"I'll be here with you." Minho muttered and kissed my hand before going out of the car. He opened the car door for me and I immediately went out.

He held my hand and squeezed it tight. We walked inside the police station with my knees trembling in anxiousness. I bit my lower lip and roamed my eyes around the area. Minho exchanged conversation with some of the officers but I couldn't bear to hear any of it. I can only feel the loud beating of my heart.

"Take him out." Minho said and some officers followed.

After a few seconds, a door bursted open and it revealed two officers holding a guy between them with his hands cuffed from behind. I made eye contact with the suspect and felt my heart getting out of my ribcage.

"He's under arrest for killing Lim Joo In."

My knees instantly felt weak but my fists started trembling and all my anger was summoned.

I rushed towards Sean and slapped him. My eyes were already teary. "How could you?!"

Sean looked at me and smirked letting out a scoff. By the behaviour that he showed me, I didn't stop myself from crying. It felt like all my strength left my whole system. I wanted to punch and slap him. Anything that could hurt him. I wanted to take revenge for taking away my brother from me and also for betraying me.

I thought we were friends!

"But — but I-I trusted you!" my voice cracked.

Sean tilted his head, staring at my chest down to my legs and scoffed. "Was it my fault that you were easy to manipulate? I was so close to having you in my bed—" his words were cut off because Minho threw a punch at him.

It was just one punch but Sean was already knocked out, nose bleeding and lying on the cold floor.

My breath hitched and I felt my head getting dizzy. I want to breath some fresh air but it felt suffocating to even inhale a bit. I felt a pair of arms enveloping me. I inhaled his scent and it brought me peace. I broke down, crying so hard and releasing all my frustration and anger by weakly hitting his chest.

"I-I thought he was my friend!" I gritted my teeth in both anger and hurt.

Minho hugged me tight and kissed the side of my head. "I'll handle him, darling. For now, I want you to take a deep breath and rest. I'll do the beating." He said.

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