045 : The Possibilities

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Chapter 45The Possibilities

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Chapter 45
The Possibilities

I leaned my back on the soft couch and closed my eyes. Fawn and Meiya kept on screaming while joking and teasing each other. They were laughing and munching on their snacks while there's me already shutting down because I drained my social battery.

"Hey, are you okay? You're pale." Fawn noticed my state and went over me. Meiya went near me too and looked closer to my face.

"You look like soggy waffle." Meiya muttered while poking my cheeks.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes at her.

I hugged my knees and buried my face in it. We're here at Meiya's house, and we planned on staying here for the whole day and have a sleepover later.

"I have a problem." I said.

Fawn and Meiya both looked at each other and raised a brow. "What is it?" They asked in unison.

"I have to shop some groceries but I feel awful today." I said, still burying my face on my knees.

Meiya reached for her phone and announced the time. "It's six in the evening and the grocery shops' about to close at seven or eight."

"Eight." Fawn said.

"Eight it is." Meiya giggled.

I let out a groan and reached for a snack near me. I opened it and eventually regretted it when I realized it was cheese-flavored. I stood up quick and ran towards the bathroom to puke. Shit! Why now? I don't understand why this is happening!

I sensed my two friends coming inside the bathroom following me. Fawn went near and helped me while Meiya was too confused and shocked, she froze on spot near the door.

"Are you sure you're okay? I've been noticing that you look sick and unwell." Fawn asked.

I nodded my head and she helped me stood up. "I'll go get you some clean clothes." Meiya offered and ran outside.

Fawn looked at me with suspicion in her eyes. I looked back confused but I glanced away quick. "You've been in a relationship with Minho for what? Six or seven months? And now you're pregnant?"

I looked at her shocked. "W-what?!"

She sighed and looked down while shaking her head. "Maybe I'm just overthinking it. But hey, it's possible. But I'm not going to judge you. Tell me the truth, (Y/N). Did you guys already did it?"

"H-huh? W-what—" I avoided her gaze. Could this be possible?

"You know what I'm talking about." Fawn seriously said.

I stared at her for a few seconds before nodding my head. "Y-yes, we did. Multiple times." I replied.

"See? It's not impossible." She muttered. "I'll go buy you pregnancy test kits and shop for your groceries too. You stay here with Meiya." She said.

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