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2024. LONDON

Sersi and Ikaris went on to live in London, but unexpectedly Ikaris left Sersi with no reason and without saying goodbye. this broke her heart. but she had to move on she had to keep living she couldn't just stop because time never stops. She got a job as a teacher and tried to fall in love again but no-one felt right no-one loved her how Ikaris did.

"Shit, I'm going to be late" mutters Sersi under her breath while passing people to get onto the train. she finally arrives and runs into her class.

"thank God there she is, our brilliant museum scientist miss.Sersi the one who was supposed to be teaching you today" says Mr.Whitman.

"Thank you, Mr.Whitman. sorry I'm late everyone" says sersi as she begins to teach her class. one of the students points at Sersi as she's speaking to Mr.Whitman, "poetry?" she asks, "I ran out of things to talk to them about" he responds. "ill see you tonight" says sersi as mr.Whitman leaves the class.

"Ooooo see you Tonight?" Tease the children, soon after that Sersi begins her lesson once again, The desk begin to shake and the ground under their feet. "earthquake" whispers Sersi. Glass begins to chatter as the children scream in fear, "Get down. Get down!" users sersi while helping kids under their desks, a girl is holding her head in her hands against a wall a giant Rock sculpture is about to fall on her crushing her, sersi quickly manipulated it turning it into sand. Soon after the Earth Quake stopped.


Katherine POV:

"What the fuck?" I say looking around as the ground beneath my feet begins to shake, "we haven't had one of these in a while" I say to no one in specific. Atleast I'm not home to see the damage it caused, god I'm going to hate cleaning up. The people around me all look as surprised as I do it's not very common here for earth quakes to happen, I get up swiftly helping people get to their cars because I'm so nice.

I decide to just walk away not going anywhere in specific ,I hadn't noticed how dark it was till I literally saw it was pitch black. Although I hear a noise like growling.

(Imma skip the party cuz Yh I don't feel like writing it sorry <3)

Sersi,Dane, and Sprite walk along a dock trying to get home. Dane walks ahead as Sersi and Sprite walk a bit slow while talking, "are you really in love? You know we still haven't found our soulmate yet you can atleast try with him"says Sprite looking at Sersi, "what if I am?" Responds sersi, "tell him the truth then, he won't live forever." Says sprite while catching up to Dane. Something begins to emerge from the water, a big creature it begins to Growl while getting out of the water.

"Shit is that a Deviant?" Asks Sprite, Run is all sersi says to Dane while running temores the Deviant and manipulating the ground to turn into Quick sand she then turns it to Cement trapping the creature there for only near seconds allowing them to run away. As it breaks free Sersi turns around, "keep Dane safe!" She says to sprite as she climbs a wall getting away. "You're fine dude." Says sprite with a shrug following sersi. Dane is beyond confused he tried to climb but fails, "nope stairs" he says while running.

Sprite uses her illusions to make there be multiple Sersi's all over the place confusing the Deviant to struggle in finding the real Sersi, this distraction only works for a few minutes. People run in fear, "it knows where we are!" Says sprite while running to sersi, the deviant is about to get them when a Dark figure Jim's down from a roof, pulling out a gun as she fired it at the weird creature before her. "This is going to hurt like a bitch" she says while sliding under it and dragging a knife across what she supposed was his stomach, " A little help would be nice" she says to the other people she saw just standing there, the Deviant throws her into a store causing her to groan in pain as she's about to get up the fight again a man comes flying shooting it with laser beams who Sersi and sprite instantly recognize as Ikaris.

"Evening,Ladies." Greets Ikaris while looking around at the damage the Deviant made, "watch out." Warns sersi as the deavint tackles Ikaris while hitting a moving bus, Sersi turns the bus into rose petals.Katherine looks stunned seeing what just happened before her eyes, a million things go through her head, "are they like the avengers, Loki?,Thor?, Wanda?,who are these people?And why are they all attractive?"

-skip over the rest of the fight-

Katherine's POV:
Someone taps me on the shoulder as I turn around I hear her British accent "Um excuse me, who are you?" She asks. "Hello my name is Katherine." I respond Bluntly not wanting really to speak to them more even tho I was curious. "You're Russian." She states more then asks, all I do is hum in response, "where did you learn how to fight like that?" Does she not get the hint of me not wanting to talk to her, "Russia" I say coldly as the memories I tried so hard to bury deep inside begin to resurface, a man then begins to speak. "Sersi she doesn't want to talk to us." He says his accent causes some of the words to sound weird I don't know why, "I know Ikaris but there's something about her that draws me to want to talk to her." She says they seem to have forgotten I was standing right there.


"Sersi, you know how Ajak told us that once we found out soulmate we would know?" Asks Sprite, "yes I do" she responds. "We'll I think it's her I just know it is" says sprite while looking over at the girl with Dark hair.
"She's not wrong Sersi, I feel it too" states Ikaris finally speaking. "I know I know but she doesn't even want to speak to us, how are we supposed to tell her she's our soulmate? Hey you're our soulmate come with us. No she would think we're crazy" says sersi getting nervous suddenly that the girl would leave. "Just ask her if she can come with us, seeing as she did help us fight off the Deviant" says Ikaris while glancing over sersis shoulder to find the girl who's name they had learned to be Katherine  spinning and flipping a throwing knife between her fingers waiting for them to finish talking.

They explained everything to Katherine leaving out one Detail, That she was their Soulmate. She was very hesitant in joining them. Being In the Red room caused her to be paranoid about people, but something inside her told her to take the risk and go.

A/N- Alr so they have met Kathrine! Uhm I hope this chapter was good.
Thank you!🤍
Word count: 1,200

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