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Ikaris,Sprite,Sersi,and I are all in the car on our way to South Dakota to pick up their Leader who's name I've learned is Ajak. Sprites head is on Ikaris's shoulder I could tell she saw him as something more then a friend or a fellow partner. She loved him but he could never love her.

"Why do you need me?" I ask Sersi
"We just do." She says while looking out onto the road.
I decided to sit in the front seat for if anything went wrong I had a way of leaving, I don't know them well enough to say I trust them but something in me tells to not fear them. If something were to happen sersi wouldn't be able to do much she's driving but Ikaris he's literally superman just no cape.



There's a small house in a field of green. The sky is dark, the thunder loud. The door is wide open, I feel a chill go up my spine, I reach for the knives I have on my thigh just in case, it feels off in here.

"Ajak?" Asks sprite
I see a door open leading to the backyard I step forward wanting to walk outside but Sersi beats me to it, I follow her. I might not know her but I don't need her dying she's nice. We walk outside there's a body.
"Ajak!" She says while running to the body I run behind her still holding onto the knife. Sprite and Ikaris run out of the house after us, there lies her lifeless body, she looked peaceful. I just watch as the three look at her body in disbelief as tears stream down sprite and Sersis face, Ikaris doesn't let much show but I see a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"It was a Deviant." States Ikaris

I see Ajak and Sprite dancing and singing in the kitchen. I don't deal with peoples emotions well so I walk out.

And our devotion, we're as deep as any ocean...

That's the last thing I hear as I walk out to no where in particular. I don't know why I came with these people or why I haven't left, I could leave right now just leave them here. But I won't something in me won't let me leave them here. I stop at a wooden pole that's planted into the ground, I contemplate punching it but I would hurt myself there's no point so I take a few steps back and begin throwing the knives I have always hitting the center, I did this for about 10 minutes before I felt someone behind me. They didn't make noise but I knew they were there. I turn around and face Ikaris

"What do you need"

"You we're gone for a bit, I came to see if you were okay."

"I'm not hurt so I'm fine." I respond pointedly

"I came to check on you, sorry for wanting you to be safe."

"Sorry sorry I'm not used to people wanting to check up on me."

He takes a few steps forward as I turn around to look at the mountains that surround us.

"How old are you?"

"You want the age I tell people or my actual age?"

"20,000 And 28"

"What the actual fuck you're 20,000 like ur not shitting me?"

"No I'm not as you say "shitting you" I was born on Olympia my home planet."

"We'll I was uh born here on earth"

"Ah you don't say, thought you were some type of alien" he says while letting out a laugh

He's joking. First I've seen him make a joke even less laugh since I met him.  I won't deny he's very good looking.

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" He asks me while facing to look at me.

I tense at his question, he doesn't seem to notice.

"My sister, she taught me how to protect myself."

"You have a sister?"

"Had, she died when I was 12, I kept practicing and taking martial arts."

"I have brothers all though we haven't seen each-other in a century."

We fall into a silence but it's not awkward like the silence you have when your friends leave you alone with the guy you like or someone you don't know. This was comfortable.

After about 40 minutes we walk back into the house. Sprite and Sersi are ready to leave.  So we do. But this time I don't sit in the front, I sit with Ikaris making sprite sit in the front even if she doesn't like it she doesn't object.

Our next stop was Mumbai.

A/N- so my Grandpa is doing better! I'm still out of the country but I felt like getting a chapter out.
Thank you🤍

Word count- 812

The Eternals And Their Assassin • Eternals X O/CWhere stories live. Discover now