Chapter 2

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"WHAT?!?" the three boys screamed in unit. Minho stared at them with an annoyed look, making them understand that they were being a little too loud. Eventually when they had calmed down, they just looked at Minho with a shocked expression.

"Ight thats an easy A then." Hyunjin joked, not understanding the consequences that were coming along with it.

"Wrong. I'm gonna be extra strict with you guys, since I've seen you guys dance before and I know your limits and weaknesses etc. But this is only a job beside my studies so I might need a substitute sometimes, who will update me about your process."

"RUDE!" Felix shouted, furrowing his eyebrows, growing a bit annoyed.

"It's called fair play, though you could use this to your advantage and get better than others since I already know your traits in dancing so well." Minho said, trying to cheer the blonde up.

"Whatever." Felix mumbled, before munching on a little strawberry that was left from his dessert.

"But I'll be moving to another building, where the school has rented an apartment for me to live in, which is right beside the school. They don't think that a 'teacher' should be living right next to the students, it's a bit inappropriate."

"Do you start tomorrow? I mean since we have dance lessons daily." Jisung asked, finally turning towards Minho, which he hadn't done through out the entire dinner. Locking eyes with the older.

"Yeah, I've already made a program for the three of you and divided you into groups, luckily you three are together."

"THANK YOU!" Felix shouted, ready to jump over the table to hug his brother. The sudden action, made Jisung break the stare, now looking at Felix instead, which Minho followed the lead.

"If you don't behave yourself I'll gladly switch it." Minho commented, making the other's quiet.

"We should get going, it's pretty late." Hyunjin said, breaking the silence, as they all started to bicker and laughing together on their way back.

Hyunjin, Felix and Jisung turned around the corner after waving goodbye to Minho, getting into Hyunjin's car, driving away, back to the dorms.

"Sung wake up." Felix said sloppily, trying to keep himself awake. Jisung just hummed in response, sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes.

"You both really aren't morning people." Hyunjin scoffed.

"Oh please, you're just awake because you couldn't sleep of the excitement, you three year old. Otherwise you would've been even worse than Sung." Felix said as he rolled his eyes at the other. Hyunjin dramatically whined and hit the blonde's arm.

"I have math as my first class with Jisung." Felix exclaimed, trying to get exited about the event.

"WITHOUT ME?? WHAT DO I HAVE?!" Hyunjin shouted, now picking up his phone to see his schedule.

"I have biology," he mumbled. Not very excited about his first lesson.

Jisung and Felix entered the lecture hall slowly, barley even picking up their feet. The both of them were very tired. Jisung hadn't slept since he couldn't shake off Minho from his thoughts and since Yongbok was snoring the entire night. Meanwhile Felix had a nightmare.

"Let's sit in the back." The blonde mumbled, receiving a nod from the brunette.

When they got seated, the teacher walked in, revealing a short, black-haired older woman who looked to be 50 and 70 at the same time. Her name was Hua and apparently she had been teaching for 27 years, which meant she had a lot of experience. She was very calm when explaining different equations, but hated when students weren't focusing. Hua would often scream at the ones who sat and whispered, giving out detention as if it was coupons. Which led to Jisung getting 3 hours detention, since he whispered to Felix 'I don't understand, can you explain' in which Hua had interpreted as him being disrespectful towards her. How? He didn't know but just accepted it.

When the lecture ended, Jisung grabbed his books and waited for Felix to finish up and then quickly left together.

They arrived at their lockers who were placed right beside each other, when they shared a rolling eye session, but then laughed it off. While they put back their books, they noticed that their next lesson was dance, with Minho.

"Detention on the first day and now dance with my big brother. This really isn't your day, is it?" Felix said, chuckling at the end.

"No shit Sherlock." Jisung mumbled, before closing his locker and Felix doing the same. They started walking towards the dance studio, and when they entered, they notices Minho was flooded with girl-student who were asking him loads of questions.

'So annoying.' Jisung thought to himself, tensing his jaw, before walking over to Hyunjin with Felix. But while the two boys walked over to him, Hyunjin noticed Minho's eyes following Jisung.

"Jealous?" Hyunjin jokingly punched Jisungs arm.

"Pfft no." Jisung said, letting out an awkward chuckle.

"Everyone stand on one of the circles!" Minho shouted, pointing at different circle stickers that were placed on the ground, one and half a meter apart.

"This is for you guys to receive enough space to fully dance." Minho said, with a cold expression and slightly lower tone.

"I'm Minho, your new dance teacher. This lesson will just be a choreography training, so that I can see where you're at. Next class I'm gonna divide you into groups of three, which makes 3 different groups in this class. You will each receive a song to create a choreography to. You will all receive your own room to use and practice in. Any questions?"

"No," the students said almost in unit.
Jisung had a hard time focusing on the actual word that Minho was saying because he wore a sleeveless shirt, which showed his well-built arms, which had Jisung completely mesmerised.

"Good. The first song we will do is 'Finesse' by Bruno Mars. I'll begin with showing you the dance and then after I'll do it step by step and you'll all follow my lead." As Minho finished explaining he played the music and started dancing.

The whole time, Jisung felf as if it was directed towards him, though he didn't get his hopes up and just got lost in Minho's dance

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The whole time, Jisung felf as if it was directed towards him, though he didn't get his hopes up and just got lost in Minho's dance. He looked so natural. This was the first time he saw Minho dance and he now understood why he was nominated to JYP's best dancer.

After he finished, he received applause from the students and two whistles. He then started going through the choreography, but Jisung was having a hard time with one of the steps and kept messing it up. When Minho noticed, he tried helping him and he would've done it even more, if there weren't other students around. He didn't want to make it look like he was favouring his little brothers best friend, so he whispered to Jisung 'stay after class' as he quickly went over to a girl and started helping her with the same move. Jisung was stuck fantasising about what his 'teacher' had just told him. He knew that Minho didn't have any direct intentions except trying to help, but he couldn't help overthinking it.

My bsfs brother, My teacher - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now