Chapter 6

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He was buying XXL condoms?! He grinned at the cashier before quickly turning around and left with his groceries. Before they continued walking around the store, looking for more food that they felt like eating during the movie marathon, it was quiet and awkward. Luckily Felix found ice cream and quickly changed the subject. Everyone mostly forgot about the store incident, except Jisung. He was obviously sad about the turn of events, but he knew that his feelings wouldn't disappear in a flash.

When they arrived home, they stayed up late and finished watching all harry potter movies, all seasons of attack on titan and started on one piece. They then hurried back to sleep.

The next school day arrived and Jisung was not excited. He even had detention at the end of the school day, and he wished it was with Hyunjin but sadly he received his detention on Friday, the day after.

After school finally ended, he slowly got up from his seat, walking sloppily over to his locker. Threw his books into the locker and then shut it and walked over to the detention room. When he walked in, he saw Minho with his computer folded up in the empty classroom, typing quickly and making sure to hit every single key. He wore glasses, which wasn't a normal sight for Jisung, when he slept over at Felix's when they were younger, Minho would barley even come home.

As he went over to the seat in the back, he felt Minho's gaze following him.

"Can you stop staring at me?" Jisung mumbled, but the older still heard.

"Why don't you sit in the front? Scared of me?" Minho said, turning back his view to his computer.

"You expect me to act as if nothing happened?" Jisung scoffed.

"Did I lie that night?" Minho replied, now staring at Jisung.

Jisung didn't reply, he couldn't meet the olders cold gaze, so he continued staring into his lap.

"Look, I'm sorry Sung, my intentions weren't for you to be sad, I just-" Before Minho could continue, he got cut off.

"Then give me a chance." He said, finally looking back at him, with a serious expression.

"A chance?" Minho repeated, now pushing his chair back a little, as the wheels made slight noises.

"Yeah, you act as if you can't fall for me." Jisung scoffed, as he now switched his look towards his desk.

"You're my student, younger than me and my little brothers best friend." Minho said, not taking the conversation seriously, looking back towards his computers screen.

"I've known you before you became my teacher, three years is nothing if we are both 18+ and Felix already knows." Jisung replied.

"Jisung please just drop it."

"Only if you give me a chance."



Minho stared at Jisung, with a cold gaze, slightly annoyed. Jisung just stared back, with a serious expression.

"Fine." The older finally gave in, as a big smile escaped Jisungs lips. He felt a slight red tint covering his cheeks and a burning sensation.

During the next three hours, Jisung sat quietly and sketched on a piece of paper. Sometimes Minho would look up and just adore the view of the younger feeling so passionate about it.

After the detention finally was over, Minho packed his things ready to leave.

"Let's go on a date." Minho said, as Jisung came up to the front of the classroom, now locking eyes with the other.

"W-what?" Jisung questioned with a slight chuckle on the end.

"Not today since I have to finish making a few choreographies, but here, I'll text you the details for our date on Saturday." Minho said as he slipped over a piece of paper with his number. Jisung held it tightly, not ever letting it go. They waved goodbye in the halls, as Jisung quickly took his phone up and texted Minho.

Create new contact?


Oioi it's me Jisung

Didn't know you were this
desperate for me.


Anyways our date will be
at my apartment, it's right
next to the school, the address is
Rockmountain 76

Rock mountain?
What a shitty name

Oh shut up

Make me

You sure are bold when texting
can't imagine you being like that
irl though.

You don't know me 🙄

Oh I don't?

No comment
Do you use social media old man

Wow ok I thought you said
'3 years is nothing when we're
both 18+'


Anyways, yes I do


No Jisung, you should go
to bed early, Goodnight.

Rude 🤠

At least give me a goodnight

and I'm rude?




As Jisung entered the dorm, it was completely quiet. He checked his phone and saw that it was 9:24 pm, at this time all of his roommates would usually be at home.

"Felix?" Jisung shouted through the apartment.

"Yeah?" Felix replied, as Jisung heard a nervous tone in his voice, which would only ever happens when the blondine was lying or ashamed.

Jisung went over to their shared bedroom where Felix was, he was seated by the desk and his math books open and the little desk light on. Jisung saw how the others hands were slightly shaking.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked as he looked at Felix."

"Yeah!" Felix almost shouted and then after realised that he did, he apologised but then saw Jisung walking over to the closet.

"W-w-ait Jis-" But before Felix could continue, Jisung had now opened it and was staring at a slightly shorter male who was shirtless, Changbin.

"I can explain-" Felix tried saying to Jisung.

"I'll go ask Minho Hyung if I can crash at his place." Jisung mumbled, as he rushed out of the door until it hit Felix what his best friend had just said.


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