Chapter 24

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Jisung cried, hard. Seeing pictures of the one who supposedly loved him, with a woman, being all cozy, hurt him. Why didn't 'Lee know' nor Felix tell him about his account, and how had he never known about this until now.

It was the early in the morning and the school sent out a message.

"Lee Minho will be on a short break. For the ones who have him in dance, will receive a substitute. His name is Bang Chan. He's teaching in Producing, but also majored in Dance, which makes him qualified to be a substitute. This is not permanent. Lee Minho will come back soon.

Study well,

So he couldn't even confront Minho about it. He tried calling and texting him, but he didn't reply.

What was happening to him? Was he actually going out with that other woman? Was that why he didn't reply? Because he couldn't face Jisung out of shame?

He just wanted Minho to embrace him and tell him that it was all going to be okay.

He kept going back and fourth of 'Leeknow's account. In that split second, Minho posted something.


Liked by Bangchan and 345 826 othersLeeknow Missing your touch

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Liked by Bangchan and 345 826 others
Leeknow Missing your touch.

View 23 923 comments

Soonie_doongie.doooori Are the dating rumours true!?!?!?!!?!,!,!?!!,!,!?!:!£:£:/£;£2!!;@,&/!;

3 minutes ago

The comments were all thirsting for him or asking about the Lisa situation.

The post got Jisung thinking. Did he really mean Lisa? Maybe, since he wasn't actually a virgin. He had briefly spoken about it before, but Jisung wasn't Minho's first. Maybe that's why he bought the condoms months ago...
He removed all the thoughts when he saw a text notification from him.


Hey love

don't "Hey love" me you left out of
nowhere and don't tell me shit and act like
everything's fine?

Look, Jisung I'm sorry

Oh? really? well could you explain

Okay okay
I'll be back in a week, I'll text you
and you can come over, I swear to god
Jisung I'll tell you everything.


wanna call?

I don't think I really can act like everything
is fine when it isn't.

I understand
I'll be home soon❤️

Jisung didn't like being so cold towards the older, but he deserved it for the pain he'd put him through.

He quickly put his phone away and got ready for school, walking over to the kitchen where Felix stood by the stove with a pot, with Hyunjin with his naked upper half leaning over him, kissing sloppily.
When they noticed Jisung's presence, Hyunjin quickly backed off acting as if nothing happened. But it grew awkward, as Jisung just stared at them.

"I don't even want to know." He said and walked back into their room, shutting the door behind himself.

He heard the two burst out in laughter as he let out a chuckle from inside the bedroom.

It was 1:34 am and Hyunjin couldn't sleep. All he could think about was his kiss with Felix. The images running through his head

He needed to drink water.

He quickly rose from his bed, not noticing that one of them were empty.
As he walked out to the kitchen, he saw Felix standing by the counter, baking.

"Felix?" Hyunjin questioned, walking over to the figure.

"Holy- you scared the living shit out of me." Felix whined, but quickly returning to focus on the batter he was putting on the pan.

"Why are you baking this late?"

"Why are you up this late?"

"Touché," Hyunjin said, almost hearing Felix's smile through his chuckle.

"What are you making anyways?" He questioned, before tugging down the glass of water.


Hyunjin hummed in response, now standing closely beside Felix as he watched him use the batter.

"What are you-" Yongbok asked before getting cut off by the taller male, dipping his finger in the batter and smearing it on the blonde's nose.

"YOU LITTLE!" Felix whisperedly shouted before Hyunjin started running away, with a little mad yongbok running after him.

Hyunjin hopped on top of the sofa, Felix following his lead, running around the dorm, trying their best to keep quiet. Eventually when they were sprinting through the kitchen, Felix caught him. He tugged on his shirt, dragging him backwards. That was stupid.

They both fell. And the position they ended up in was..
Felix was slightly hovering on top of Hyunjin, but as he tried getting up, he slid down. Their faces were brought close just an inch away. Felix felt Hyunjin's breath on his nose. He got lost in the moment, traveling through Hyunjin's features.

His almond eyes and his mole underneath. The cute nose that complimented the rest of his face. Eventually landing on his lips. They looked so plump and kissable. Not noticing that Hyunjin saw that he was staring until he watched a smirk forming.

Felix felt his face grow hot, leaning in closer, tightening his eyes shut.

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