Chapter 21

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When Jisung arrived at Hyunjins and Felix's table in the cafeteria, he noticed how Hyunjin and Felix were being unusually close. More like Hyunjin was unusually flirty with the blonde.

But when they noticed his presence, he was met with big smirks.

"So? How'd it go?" Felix asked, slightly scooting away from Hyunjin.

"No comments."

"I don't want any nephew's."

"SHUT UP!" Jisung whispered-ly yelled at Felix, receiving a joking hit on his arm.

"Anyways, what do we have after this?" Hyunjin asked, with an expression that was hard to read. He was either just neutral or kinda sad, but Jisung couldn't figure out which.

"You have math with Mrs.H-"

"Felix?" Hyunjin and Jisung questioned the boy who's eyes started tearing up.
They followed his gaze and noticed he was staring at Changbin with an unfamiliar boy, walking with their hands intertwined.

"Is that Seungmin?" Hyunjin whispered.

"Seungmin?" Jisung repeated, now switching his seat from in front of the two other's, to beside Felix, laying his arm around him.

"Yeah.. He confessed to me, but I rejected him since I wasn't interested in him that way. But he sits beside me in math class with Mrs.Hua."

"So he's in a relationship with Changbin?! Didn't you guys just RECENTLY break up like two weeks ago?"

"L-let's not talk about it, here.." Felix whispered and they two boys nodded. They got up and walked with Felix in the middle, arms around him as they rushed to the bathroom.
But only to be stopped by the one and only..

"Oioi Lix! Long time no see!" Changbin shouted, with a big smile and the three turned around to see the couple standing close.

"Jisung go with Felix, I'll take care of this idiot." Hyunjin said, frowning. Jisung agreed and rushed off, confusing the shorter male.

Hyunjin walked towards them, with a nonchalant attitude.

"What do you want?" Changin asked, getting irritated.

"What do you want from Lix?" Hyunjin replied.

"Nothing, just wanted to greet him."

"With your new boyfriend in front of your ex? Must be desperate for some attention."

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Yeah there is. Sure you've moved on and you basically cheated in the relationship and met someone else during it, but you don't know if Felix has moved on, right?"


"Exactly, so tell me Seo Changbin, how'd you feel if your ex that you were still in love with came to you with their new partner and going to flex about their relationship and how much better it is than the relationship you two used to have?"


"Thank god you finally understood. Now, please stay away from Felix."

"You have no right to tell me what I should do."
Changbin muttered but still said it confidently.

"Oh? So you want to make Lix feel like shit?"


"SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASSHOLE." Hyujin shouted, feeling his blood boiling. This grabbed the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. They all got quiet and watched them.


"WHAT IF I AM??" Hyunjin replied, making everyone turn silent.

"Look you damn asshole, I'm not his boyfriend, but I'm his best friend and this the kind of responsibility you have when you are. I won't sit quietly and watch you mentally hurt him. I care for him and therefore have a strong and passionate will to go and stand against you."

Everyone just continued staring and Changbin felt defeated.

"Now, if you'd excuse me."
Hyunjin finished and ran off towards the bathroom. He was pretty proud of himself before he entered the room where he saw the blonde crying, and Jisung comforting him.

"Felix?" Hyunjin whispered, getting seated beside him, as Felix rested his head on his shoulder.

"Y-yeah?" He had a hard time stopping the sobs and stutters.

Hyunjin made a slight motion for Jisung to quickly leave. He received the signal and left.

"There's nobody else here, right?" Hyunjin asked, but received silence as a response.

Felix was now looking up at Hyunjin and they just stared at each other, but Yongbok quickly broke the tension by look down at the floor.

"Felix..Are you still in love with Changbin? Is that why you cried?.."

"I think you and Jisung misinterpreted the situation. I used to be in love with changbin and just because we broke up, doesn't that make the feelings disappear." Hearing that, made Hyunjin's heart crackle and he tried to not think too much about it.. until Felix continued.

"If you love someone, you'll always and forever have some sort of deeper connection to them, deeper feelings. But that doesn't mean I cant move on.

What hurt me wasn't that Changbin was together with Seungmin, to be honest, I'm happy for them. It was the feeling of worthlessness, uselessness I felt.
When I saw Changbin I noticed how happy he looked, something he never once did with me. I just felt like I couldn't ever bring myself to make anyone happy if I couldn't make at least 1 person happy."

"Oh.." Hyunjin said, fairly speechless. He thought that Felix was still stuck on him, in a way he is, but sounded more ready to move on than he thought.

"I'm sorry.." Hyunjin whispered underneath his breath.

"Nono it's fine haha, I found your concern cute. Thank you Jinnie." His cheeks grew a bit hot, as the sobbing was mostly washing away.

"But that's not true."

"hm?" Yongbok replied in confusion and now looked at Hyunjin who was staring at his lap, fiddling with his hand, as the other one was around Felix's shoulder's.

"You said that you couldn't make anyone happy, but that's a lie. You make me happy everyday by just existing. You being happy makes me happy, everything you do makes me happy."

"That's sweet Jinnie, but I don't think you really understand what I mean. I meant it as in I failed to make someone who was my boyfriend, happy."

"Then make me your boyfriend and I'll prove you wrong."

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