Chapter 7

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Minho heard a knock on his door, and quickly left his computer and opened it, to face a Jisung with a blank expression.

"Can I stay here for the night?" As Jisung asked, he noticed that Minho was wearing his glasses with his hair still slightly wet from a shower and a tight black t-shirt that showed his abs through it, which made him slightly flustered.


"Lix has Changbin over and he was shirtless so I I'd rather be able to sleep than hear kissing and moaning sounds." Jisung explained.

"I'll have a talk with Changbin." Minho replied, lowering his tone and then looking at Jisung.

"Can't you stay with one of your friends?" Minho said, coldly.

"I dont have any friends."

"I know you do. I see you with other people other than Lix and Hyunjin everyday." Minho said, raising an eyebrow, not believing the younger.

"Doesn't mean I want to sleep near them, I don't feel comfortable asking them to do that for me."

"Jisung, a teacher and student can't be seen together especially hanging out alone in an apartment."

"Please just go back to your dorm." Minho said, as he closed his door, but Jisung stuck his foot between the gap that was left.

"Please Hyung." Jisung pleaded, staring at Minho.

"I have to focus on my work, go back to your dorm." Minho continued, now looking down at Jisung's foot.

"I won't disturb you, I promise." Jisung continued. They both stayed quiet for a bit. Minho opened his mouth and then closed and re opened it and finally spoke.


When he walked in, he analysed the apartment quickly. It was larger than the 3 boys's dorm. It had a bedroom on the side, a big living room with a large kitchen on the side.

"Woah!" Jisung exclaimed, still looking around.

"I have to work so go take a shower and go to sleep, I'll sleep on the couch." Minho said before walking off to his computer and sitting on the island in the kitchen.

"No I'll sleep on the couch." Jisung insisted, following Minho.

"No, you're the guest, please just sleep on the bed." Minho tried convincing the younger, but failed.

"Why don't we both just sleep on the bed?" Jisung mumbled, not expecting Minho to hear.

"You really are bold I guess." Minho said as he grew a smirk, looking at the younger. Jisung felt his face grow hot and he just rushed off to the bathroom, shutting the door behind himself.

Minho chuckled to himself as he then continued with his work.

After Jisung finished taking a shower, he noticed that he didn't have any changing clothes, so he took a deep breath, gathered all of his confidence and put on a towel around his waist. He went out to the living room and decided to ask Minho for some.

"Minho Hyung..." Jisung started, as Minho moved his gaze from his computer to the now half naked male who was standing shyly, playing with his hands, looking down at the floor. He watched him up and down, seeing his well-tones abs and puffy chest.

My bsfs brother, My teacher - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now