Chapter 25

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The alarm went off, bringing Felix back to his senses and quickly pulled away. He got up and turned to the dough who had rosen.

Hyunjin stood up, staring down, as the silence got louder.

"I- uh-" Felix stuttered before feeling the weight of Hyunjins lips on his own. The taller male got a grip on his waist, sliding one hand on his neck. Felix was standing in front by the stove, while Hyunjin was tightly put behind him, bending over his shoulder to kiss the blonde.

Hyunjin sucked on Felix's lower lip, eventually turning into small bites. As the Blonde moaned into the action and the taller slipped in his tongue. He explored every part of him, until they eventually had to stop because they had to breathe. They pulled away, only to be lead by heavy breaths.

The evening was long, but they didn't push it farther than kissing. Hyunjin didn't wanna force Felix to anything, so just a few pecks now and then getting deepened didn't hurt.

When the brownies were finished, they tasted them while whisperdly talking, though they were both giggling messes. They decided fo cuddle for the night, as there were only a few hours left.

Hyunjin woke up to some rustling in the kitchen and quickly noticed that Jisung was still asleep, which meant that it HAD to be Felix. He quickly rose and went over, making sure to close the door behind him.

He walked over to Felix who was making some eggs, and plopped down his whole weight of Felix's shoulders, holding his hips.

"Goodmor- HEY I'M COOKING!" Felix shouted, but couldn't help chuckling.

"And? I'm sooo tired, just let me stay here for a while." Hyunjin replied.

"Fine, but if I need to get something then you have to let me go."


"Yes Jinnie, or would you like some burnt food?"

The older hummed in response as he now watched Felix, slowly traveling his hand up to his cheek, slightly turning him towards Hyunjin.

"You're pretty." Hyunjin said before letting go of the flustered Felix.


"You're pretty." Hyunjin repeated, slightly smirking.

It became silent for a while.

"Hey Hyunjin?" Felix mumbled, not daring to look the other into his eyes.


"Can you uh- k-kiss me?" Yongbok stuttered, just staring down as he turned off the stove.

"Come here then baby." Hyunjin said confidently in english, as Felix looked at the other in shock for his response, finally noticing how much he was grinning, but you could still notice that he was sleepy.

"Baby?-" Felix managed to get out before getting stopped by Hyunjin kissing him as he quickly gave into it.

They continued making out, not seeing the door open up and Jisung just standing there. Until Felix felt a gaze towards him and as he squinted his eyes open, he saw a small figure and pulled away, leaving Hyunjin dumbfounded.

He looked around to see why Felix had stopped and then noticed the irritated quokka by the doorway.

And this is how they landed in the original disaster.

Back to Minsung

Days had passed and Minho would send sweet texts, only to receive cold replies from Jisung. The weekend came slowly and dreadfully, mental torture for each day it got closer.

It was Friday and Minho was coming back on Saturday. Jisung was loaded with questions to ask the older, but was now, stuck in Chemistry class.

He was pretty bored so he picked up his computer screen and then started playing with his phone behind it. Jisung just scrolled through Insta, as the teacher kept talking.

Leeknow just made a post
'Can't stop smiling at the thought of us'

Jisung clicked the notification without hesitating and felt his anxiety kicking in.


Liked by Bangchan and 1 736 917 othersLeeknow Can't stop smiling at the thought of us

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Liked by Bangchan and 1 736 917 others
Leeknow Can't stop smiling at the thought of us

View 673 937 comments
Linoo.awe.some Lisa x Minho = Linho


Posted 14 minutes ago

The rest of the comments just continued shipping Minho with different people or talked about the Lisa situation. It hurt Jisung and he felt his heart beating faster, not because of love, because of heartbreak.

All students now watched Jisung as he sobbed, breaking down into a whole mess. The teacher was at a loss for words, not knowing how to react.

Jisung rushed out, hearing someone shouting his name. He continued running, nearing towards the bathrooms and quickly shutting the stall door behind him.

"Jisung?" Felix asked, getting seated outside the door, not knowing how to help his sobbing friend.

"Was it Minho?-"

"You knew about it and still didn't tell me." Jisung said, very sternly.


"Stop acting dumb Lee Felix. I've known you for years and you never once thought about telling me how you and your brother are famous?" The tears dried, leaving faint marks on his cheeks, but the sadness had turned into frustration.

"I-I didn't feel ready yet-"

"So you haven't felt ready yet for 8 years?"

"L-Look, Jisungie I'm sorry.." Felix felt his breathing getting heavier and eyes stinging.

My bsfs brother, My teacher - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now