Chapter 8

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The Sky Patrol was flying over Station Square in Soumera where the entire place was devastated by the world falling apart. 

Sally: This poor city has already seen more than its fair share of disasters, the people still haven't fully recovered from perfect Chaos, now it looks like they're sitting right on a fault line, Freedom Fighters we're going to rescue them, Team Freedom your squad will get the environment under control, Team Fighter you're saving as many lives as you can (Sonic, Tails, Rotor, Antione, Bunnie, Big, Amy, Omochao, and T-pup jumped out of the Sky Patrol either on extreme gear or flying/ free falling) Sonic, you're a runner for both teams, T-pup and Omochao will be feeding me your progress while I direct you from here, this is bad and it's only going to get worse I'll watch your backs as best as I can, but look out for each other, we...we can handle this, we have to handle this. 

Cream: I...I should be out there, I should be helping too, I'm n-not afraid-really!

Sally: I need you two here, if I need any help, it's up to you and Cheese to support me, got it. 

Cream: Oh, yes ma'am! 

Cheese then replied in his own language. 

Cream: But...after everyone was upset by those visions, can they handle saving a whole city? 

Sally: We don't have the luxury of dealing with... that... right now

The faces of Austin, Zeta, Leona, and Sonia then appeared in front of Sally. 

Austin: Sally we got done with things quicker in Efrika then expected, were coming along the right side of the Sky Patrol now, what do you need us to do?

Sally: Glad to have you and the girls back Austin, I need you and Zeta to help Tails, Rotor, and Big out with the citizens trapped in Twinkle Park while Leona and Sonia help Antione, Bunnie, Sonic, and Amy get the citizens to higher ground.

Austin: Got it, I'll drop Sonia and Leona off first then Zeta and I will depart I'll send the Quin Tornado back to the Sky Patrol by Auto Pilot.  

The connection then ended, and everyone got off at their destination, Austin left his morph gun and the mods in the Quin Jet, while Zeta went to help Tails with the doors while Austin went to the entrance and got the car out of the way of the elevator then saw an extra extra extra extra extra-large pile of junk nearby and a lightbulb went off in his head, he got a toolbox out from his backpack then he made clones of himself and they all got to work on building something, when T-pup went to scout ahead Sally heard all the sounds Austin was making and turned T-pup to face the source of the sound to Austin just finished building a high class cruise ship, Sally was in shock that Austin just build that huge ship in just a few minutes. 

Sally: How did you build that in a few minutes? 

Austin's clones then appeared by his side; Sally was about to ask another question till all the clones disappeared. 

Austin: That's how also there was an extra extra extra extra extra large pile of junk nearby so I thought instead of just letting the pile there to be cleaned up I would put it to good use and make this cruise ship that can hold everyone in the city. 

Sally's jaw dropped to the ground in shock. 

Sally: W-What else did you make with the ship? 

Austin: Several lifeboats to help bring the people to the ship, several classrooms, an arcade, an indoor and outdoor water park, a regular indoor and outdoor park, a skateboarding park, a movie theater, a garden with wheat and every know fruit and vegetable, a large dining hall, a shopping mall with clothing, toy, electronic, videogame, movie, music, hobby, book, school supplies, and food stores, a gym, a saloon, a museum for children and adults, a library, gravity anchors to hold it in place, and a force field that covers the whole ship including the anchors in case Eggman attacks for some reason. 

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