Chapter 18

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Austin and the gang then came out of the vortex in the cafeteria in Casino Night Zone. 

Chip and Charmey as the grabbed each other's hands and flew around in a circle: Yay we're back. 

Austin pulled out his scroll and took a look at the time he would face Segata. 

Austin: I still have an hour till I face Segata, I guess we not only traveled across dimensions, but time stood still for a moment till we got back.

Espio: So, what's your plain before you face Segata?

Austin: For starters go brush and floss my teeth I didn't get a chance to do that before we got warped to save Fatalis. 

Tails: Speaking of Fatalis, how did you pull Count Balsa's soul out of Fatalis and give him his body back? 

Austin: I didn't, my Chaos Heal only targeted the potion, some kind of outside force pulled Count Balsa's soul out and gave him back his body. 

Knuckles: You don't think it's the same outside force that shattered the Master Emerald, do you? 

Austin: That I can't say. 

Austin then opened the pocket dimension that had Rathalos, Zinoger, Diablos, and all the other monsters he made a contract with to check on them, when he looked into the portal, he saw the dimension was now crawling with different kinds of monsters the majority of them lived on the land while some of them lived in the sea there were also some flying through the air, the rest of his friends noticed what he was looking at and came over to have a peak, what they saw also shocked them, after a minute of being shocked Austin closed the portal and everyone stood in place for a minute. 

Austin: We didn't see anything. 

Vector: Didn't see what? 

Austin: Exactly

The gang then split up to do their own actives, after Austin got done brushing and flossing his teeth, he deiced to do some reading with his novels, he was five minutes into his novel when there was a knock on the door to his room. 

Austin: Coming 

Austin then closed the book he was reading and went to the door to open it and was greeted by Breezie and Honey who still had the predatory look in her eyes along with two security bots. 

Austin: Can I help you girls with something? 

Breezie: I just came to talk to you; I don't know what Honey wants. 

Austin then let the girls in while the security bots stayed outside the room, Breezie and Honey took a seat and Austin sat in the chair he was in reading. 

Breezie: I'll get straight to the point, where did you, Sonic and the others go, my security cameras caught all of you being transported somewhere before I could get my security to launch an investigation you all just appeared at the same time you disappeared. 

Austin: It would be a little better to show you then tell you. 

Austin then pulled out the device that allows people to see memories, after Austin and the gang were teleported back to Mobius the device shut down, the girls were shocked to hear and see everything that the group did, Breezie then came out of her shock first. 

Breezie: Well...that was something, just don't make this a habit otherwise I'll have to kick you out of the tournament. 

Austin: Understood, let me guess Honey you still want to know how I made my clothes. 

Breezie then looked at Honey with a shocked face. 

Honey: Yes 

Austin sighed knowing that Honey wasn't going to give up until she learned how he made his clothes, he got out a sheet of paper and a pen and wrote down what he used to make his clothes, when he was done, he handed the paper to Honey who looked it over then stopped at the last item. 

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