Chapter 24

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Austin and the Chinese dragon were on a training field in the castle courtyard why you ask because the Chinese dragon guided him out to the courtyard, Austin guessed that the soul wanted one more fight before it moved onto the afterlife, and he was happy to oblige, the Chinese Dragon then charged at Austin with his sword ready to strike when he was close enough he swung the sword at Austin only for the young man to dodge it then the figure then changed the direction of the sword to come at Austin again, the young man was able to dodge the blade but barley, the young man then tried to punch the figure only for him to block it with the shield so he sweep his feet and cause the figure to lose his balance so Austin gave him a palm thrust to the chest sending the figure back to his starting point, the figure recovered while in air and wings unfolded from the chest plate in the back causing the figure to take to the air, instead of following him into the air Austin waited on the ground for the figure to make his move, the figure saw Austin wasn't following him causing him to smirk then let out a stream of fire from his mouth at Austin, the young man used his fire powers to send the flames back to the owner causing the figure to dive to avoid the flames, the figure then went after Austin again when he was close enough Austin grabbed him by the right arm and threw him on the ground the figure then countered by summoning a small Chinese dragon construct to charge at Austin, the young man was able to dodge the construct then a slash from the sword, the young man then countered by creating a shockwave sending the figure back, the figure then made a larger construct of a Chinese dragon and sent it at Austin, the young man used his green chaos energy to create a shield big enough to protect him from the construct, when the construct made contact with Austin's shield there was a bit of a struggle at first but Austin's shield was able to withstand the construct causing it to fade away and the figure was on the ground painting from using a lot of energy form the last attack. 

Austin: Has this battle helped your soul rest easy? 

?: It has young warrior, thank you for giving me one last battle, returning my equipment, and giving my people a proper burial, now I leave my equipment to you use its powers well and wisely young warrior and stop the monster that killed my people from taking more lives. 

The figure then faded into the afterlife leaving the armor and weapons falling to the ground, Austin then went up to the items and equipped them to his body, when he put the helmet on a different type of energy enter his body giving him new powers that he would need time to train them, he then felt a presence nearby causing him to turn to the direction the presence was hiding from plain sight.

Austin: Come on out I know your there. 

A female figure then came out of hiding, she looked like a dragon but a different species, she had light blue skin, magenta eyes, fin-like ears, fins on the back of her head, a long tail, 3-clawed feet, she was wearing royal like battle armor with the color scheme of black, gold, and purple. 

Austin: Who are you and what are you doing here? 

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Austin: Who are you and what are you doing here? 

Merga: I'm Merga a water dragon, I'm currently looking for a lost friend that I though died years ago when I was imprisoned. 

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