Chapter 10

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Austin slowly opened his eyes and when his eyes were fully opened, he let out a yawn he tried to get up from bed only to find something or rather someone on his chest holding him down, he looked at the source to see Sally had her head lying on his chest, memories from last night started to come back to him causing him to smile. 

Austin as he gently shook Sally: Sally, (Sally just tighten her grip on Austin's chest) Sally come on its time to wake up. 

Sally: Five more minutes daddy. 

Austin: Sally it's me, Austin your cousin. 

Sally then started to slowly open her eyes and when they were fully opened, she saw Austin's face and saw she had her head lying on his chest memories from last night started to come back to her causing her to blush.

Austin: Nice to see you awake Sally. 

Austin then kissed Sally on her cheek causing her to chuckle. 

Sally: Morning to you to Austin. 

Sally then got out of Austin's bed only for the young man to sweep her off her feet causing her to let out a small yelp and carry her in his arms. 

Sally: Very funny Austin. 

Austin: So, you don't want me to escort you to the shower?

Sally smiled and shook her head while smiling: Alright just this once, but then I have to get back to my room to get myself some clean clothes. 

Austin: I can make a portal to your room to save you some time. 

Sally: You can do that? 

Austin: I can but I can only make portals for people, and I have to been to the location, for example I've been to Station Square so I can make a portal to that location and be there in a few seconds, but I can't open a portal to the Death Egg because I haven't been on it. 

Sally: Makes sense, but how did you acquire this ability?  

Austin: I kind of practice using my Chaos and Soul energy when I meditate or when I'm asleep in my mindscape. 

Austin then carried Sally to his walk-in bathroom and the two of them took a shower for a few minutes then Austin opened a portal to Sally's room, after said princess went through Austin got out of the bathroom and got some new clothes out from his closet/dresser and put them on, Austin then exited his room and made his way to the kitchen, when he arrived at said room Sally also arrived and both were standing outside the doorway. 

Austin: Ladies first 

Sally: Such a gentlemen 

Sally then entered the kitchen and Austin followed, the two of them then got their breakfast, Austin got a balance breakfast then took a seat at a table and Sally sat right next to him, Sally then slid close to Austin with their bodies touching each other. 

Austin: Really Sally

Sally: What, can't a girl sit next to her boyfriend and enjoy a breakfast with him. 

Austin just shook his head with a smile and started eating his food.

Sally: So, you found out that your mother was born in the Sol Zone

Austin: Yeah, and judging from the reaction I got from Blaze, I say those two were pretty close.

Sally: How close are we talking about? 

Austin: I would say the same relationship your father had with mine, but this might be Blaze's mother with mine. 

Sally: But that would mean. 

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