Chapter 22

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A new day has come up for Mobius and the Freedom Fighters were in the Crystal Desert zone where they would meet up with Team Dark and two teams from G.U.N to secure a chaos emerald. The Sky Patrol then landed near the site, and everyone got out once everyone was out they saw two teams in some kind of armor that's unknown to them.

 The Sky Patrol then landed near the site, and everyone got out once everyone was out they saw two teams in some kind of armor that's unknown to them

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Sonic: Shadow 

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Sonic: Shadow 

Shadow: Faker 

Sonic: (Gesturing to the two teams) Who are these guys? 

Shadow: (Points to the first group in the first picture) Those are Spartans they were trained in everything know to the human from firearms to martial arts, (points to the second group) those are the ODST abbreviated for Orbital Drop Shock Team normally they would drop from orbit and storm the target they were given but this is different, those two teams next to Spider and Dark are the best of the best G.U.N. 

Romeo: Really children it's bad enough that we have to work with another Black Arms member but now we have to work with children as well. 

Austin was about to stand up for his friends, but he felt several presences coming towards the group, turning in the direction the presences were coming from he made a giant cannon that covered most of his body except for his legs shocking Team Dark, the Spartans, and the ODST. 

Rouge: Since when did Austin make giant cannons? 

Sally: A day ago. 

Everyone looked at the horizon to see what looked like a team of Mobian jackals running away from some Grimm. 


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