Chapter 9.5 Sally Lemon Chapter

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Austin was in his room on the Sky Patrol looking at the message of his scan again and was concerned about it. 

Austin:  Pheromones have been added to body form the Dark Gaia Energy, pheromones will attract females of many species that can secrete pheromones, additionally stamina for the body has increase as well as the penis increasing in length and width immensely, (Austin then sighs then turns off his scroll and puts it on the nightstand) just great. 

A knock was then heard on his bedroom door. 

Austin: Come in 

The door then opened to revival Sally. 

Austin: Sally, is there something wrong? 

Sally: I was going to ask you the same thing, after you looked at your scroll while the professors were here your faced turned red almost like Knuckles's fur. 

Austin sighed before saying: If I tell you what I saw on my scroll will you promise not to slap me, be mad at me, or call me a pervert? 

Sally: I promise Austin. 

Sally's thoughts: Why would I do any of that to him he already suffered enough back on Earth, plus we're cousins. 

Austin then told Sally what was on his scroll, when he was done Sally's face was now red. 

Sally: Okay, that would explain why you won't talk about it.        

Austin: I just don't know what I'm going to do Sally, pheromones aren't something anyone can control. 

Sally: Well pheromones for Mobians are different from humans, a male Mobians pheromones are usually smelt by females that match the personality they're looking for, (starts rubbing legs together) but since you're a human your pheromones might act differently. 

Austin: How differently? 

Sally: Well, females might see you as their dream guy, use various of methods to make themselves climax like with photos of you or vibrators, some might see you as good enough already and might show signs they see you as a worthy male and show signs of getting horny. 

Sally then covered her mouth after finishing her sentence, Austin just raised an eyebrow at Sally's action then looked down at her legs to see they were rubbing together, Sally followed Austin's gaze and blushed before looking back at her cousin.   

Austin: Show signs of getting horny, really Sally? 

Sally: I can explain. 

Austin: Really, so you can explain why you're rubbing your legs together possibly before you started explaining how my pheromones are different from other male Mobians. 

Sally: Um well I, you see. 

Austin sighed before saying: Just great how am I supposed to explain to Uncle Nigel that his own daughter has it out for me. 

Sally: What are you so worried about, we're cousins not siblings. 

Austin: But we are two different species plus I'm not sure if my penis will be able to fit inside of you. 

Sally: You really need to relax there's nothing to worry about. 

Austin looked at Sally to see her removing his pants. 

Austin: Sally what are you doing? 

Sally: Putting your worries to ease. 

Sally was about to pull off Austin's underwear. 

Austin: But Sally 

Sally: No buts I know the average size of a Mobians penis yours can't be that much (Austin's penis then springs up to revival it was eighteen inches long and nine inches wide) different. 

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