Chapter 21.5 Nicole Lemon

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Austin was in his room on the Sky Patrol working on an upgrade for Nicole's handheld form when she uses the red star ring again, this upgrade will allow her to use the red star rings power for an hour before the cooling systems kick in to prevent her handheld form overheating.

Austin's thoughts: There we go all done, now we don't have to worry about her handheld form overheating. 

Said Holo Lynx then appeared in Austin's room causing the young man to turn around form his finished work. 

Austin: Ah Nicole perfect timing I just finished upgrading your hand-held form with the cooling systems to prevent it from overheating. 

Nicole: Thank you Austin. 

Austin then set the hand held form on his desk. 

Austin: Is there something you want to talk about? 

Nicole: Well I was wondering why you made your whole body go into cyberspace. 

Austin: It was to find the secrets of the Union master's I knew they would hide them in the most secure part of the school network, but I probably couldn't hack my way through the fire walls without drawing attention to myself, so I made the technology to get my whole body into cyberspace to find the secrets. 

Nicole: I see. 

Austin: Is there something else you want to talk about?

Nicole just approached Austin and kissed him on the lips, while Austin was surprised by this sudden approach, he didn't fight back against it he kissed back and slid his tongue in between his lips and gently tapped it against Nicole's lips asking for entry, Nicole complied and opened her mouth and allowed Austin to explore her mouth, the young man's tongue then explored the inside of the lynx's mouth for a bit before he found her tongue and started to dance around it, Nicole lifted her tongue up and allowed Austin to move his tongue around her tongue as Austin's tongue move around Nicole felt lust building up inside her as Austin continued to move his tongue around for three minutes before the separated allowing Nicole to breathe. 

Austin: I see, Sally gave you permission to join my harem. 

Nicole: 'Pant' Yes she did 'pant' I was nervous with us being two different beings but after the battle with Phage 'pant' things change within my body to allowing mimic emerging an organic being including sexual intercourse. 

Austin: I see, well why don't you get rid of those clothes before we continue. 

Nicole then made her clothes disappear making her appear in her birthday suit, Austin then picked her up bridal style shocking her but she didn't fight against it as Austin walked over to his bed and gently placed her on it in a sitting position, Austin then got out of his clothes exposing his tone muscular body and his monster penis making Nicole lick her lips at the sight of the monster, Austin then approached the bed and lay down with his face to the ceiling. 

Austin: Why don't you start this off. 

Nicole looked at Austin's monster penis and started to lick it, after it was fully wet Nicole put her mouth on the tip slowly started to take inch by inch into her mouth as her right hand found his balls and founded with them. After ten minutes of sucking and foundling Austin felt his limits was reached. 

Austin: Careful Nicole I'm at my limit and about to release. 

While Nicole heard the warring, she didn't move her mouth off of the monster penis and let Austin's fluids into her mouth, gallon after gallon Austin's fluids shoot out of his penis and into Nicole's mouth, after the last drop came out Nicole removed her mouth from Austin's penis and swallowed his cum. 

Austin: You okay Nicole? 

Nicole: I'm alright Austin though that was a large amount of cum you released. 

Austin: Yeah, I think it might be because of the Dark Gaia energy inside of me, speaking of which. 

Austin then grew two extra set of arms and hands shocking Nicole. 

Austin: Are you ready for round two Nicole? 

Nicole nodded her head and Austin stretched his hands out and gently grabbed a breast and ass cheek in each of his hands and began to rotate them clockwise slowly as well as her nipples Nicole let out moans of pleasure till she climaxed, after Nicole recovered from the climax Austin gently laid her down on his bed. 

Austin: You ready to become a women? 

Nicole: Yes I'm ready. 

Austin then slowly inserted his penis into Nicole's pussy inch by inch until he reached her virginal allowing her to catch her breath, after a minute Austin slowly inserted his into her virginal while kissing her in the progress to numb the pain, when his penis fully broke through the virginal he stopped again to allow Nicole to catch her breath, once she recovered Austin then slowly began to thrust backward and forward as time went by he picked up the paste till he was going at her hard and Nicole's legs were wrapped around his waist. 

Austin: Here comes my cum Nicole. 

Nicole: I'm ready Austin make me your women. 

Austin then released his load into Nicole's pussy and gallon after gallon of his cum entered her, when the last drop came out of Austin's penis he pulled said monster out and his fluid came gushing out of Nicole, Austin then made his way to Nicole's side and pulled the cover over both of them. 

Austin: Let's get some sleep my Holo Lynx we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

Nicole: Agreed my handsome warrior. 

Austin then gave Nicole a kiss on her forehead and the two of them feel asleep in each other's embrace. 

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