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It's noon and I finally wake up, well rested as I got a good amount of sleep last night for once. I freshen up and get into uniform before heading to the kitchen to make a quick meal. Eggs and toast... quick and easy. I quickly eat my food and clean up before I grab my things and head to my car to leave for work.

Once I arrive I head to the staff room where i'm immediately met with all my co-workers gathered around the head supervisor. "Y/n, you're here. Great. I'm just about to explain today's special situation." She says as I walk over to the group. "Special situation?" Oh boy... wonder what this could be.. I make my way to stand next to Aiden, who excitedly greets me. I greet him and smile in return. "Alright, now that we're all here, i'll start. Today from 8 to close, the building is being rented out for a college party. Why college students want to have a party here is beyond me. But, nevertheless, this means good business. Most of you should be fine going about your regular tasks, but i'm going to have a few of you stand in and monitor the party to make sure all mechanics and such stay in working order. I'm afraid some college students can be a bit rowdy, so things may break unfortunately." She explains and i immediately look away, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. Please don't pick me. Please don't pick me. Please don't pick me. On the contrary, Aiden seems like he wants to get picked. He took a step forward when she explained. Interesting guy he is. Suddenly, the head supervisor clears her throat before speaking. "Now then, the three that i'm having stand in are, Jasmine, Aiden, and y/n." Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me. I let out a silent sigh and nod along with Aiden and the other person who was chosen. Well, at least Aiden will be there. I'm more comfortable with him more than anyone else here so it's a bit relieving I can talk to someone without it being awkward. "I'll have the three of you meet here at 8. Alright, that's all everybody. Thank you for your time." She says before walking back to her office. "Are you excited, y/n?? I haven't been to a party in so long! This should be a nice change of pace, huh?" Aiden excitedly hits my arm. "I mean, we're just standing in, and it's still technically work. Hopefully nothing break.. but still." I say with a contrasting tone. "Aww, come on, don't be like that. Loosen up a bit. I'm sure you'll have some fun if only just a little bit." He says before grabbing his tools. "I'll see you then!" He walks out of the room. "Yeah, see you." I sigh and head to grab my stuff. Fun?? I'm not a huge fan of crowds or noise, so I don't know about that. On the other hand though... maybe he's right... I do need to loosen up a bit.. I go over my list and head off to do my tasks before 8 o'clock comes around.

Time flies and before long it's almost 8 and I'm heading back to the staff room to meet with the others. Once I arrive I meet up with Aiden and Jasmine. I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to Jasmine, but we've smiled at each other when passing one another before. She is quite pretty. Her skin is a rich, umber brown and her hair is long, dark and curly. "Hey guys, hope you weren't waiting too long." I say and they both turn to me at the same time. "Oh, not at all! We just got here too." Jasmine explains and Aiden nods. "Yeah, don't sweat it." He reassures me and I smile before grabbing a couple other things I might need. "I'm ready when you guys are." I walk back over to them and they both nod. "Let's go then!" Aiden says and we all start for the main stage area. Once we're there, people are already starting to arrive. We each decide it's best that we split up into a corner of the area as to get a better scope of the all the bots and mechanics. We each have pagers in case we need to call each other over if we need help or any other reason. I make my way to my corner of the atrium and before long, the place is filled up. The lights are dim and neon lights flash all around as party goers chat and play games. I stand in my corner in the back, leaning against the wall as I ponder my surroundings. I mean, i'm college aged too... I just don't go to college. There's no reason for me to be this uncomfortable, right?? I try to reassure myself but I can't help but be a bit nervous at the loud sounds and energetic crowds.

The night goes on and the party grows larger by the hour...

Reckless (Montgomery Gator x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now